Mia smirked. "Luna, you might've become a premium VIP, but you still don't understand what it takes to become one. You can't just call and demand for these limited edition bags, even as a premium VIP. Do

you know why?"

Luna was clueless. But she didn't want to appear weak in her response.

Jasmine seized the chance to chime in, "Premium VIPs are ranked according to their spending. If both VIPS desire the same bag, the higher-ranked VIP is prioritized to purchase the bag. It hasn't been long since you owned this card, has it? Have you spent anywhere close to one million dollars yet?"

speechless. Based on her recent spending, she probably spent only around a few hundred thousand dollars. She didn't have much allowance,

change in expression, Jasmine continued to add insult to the injury. "Mia is different though. She's one of the highest ranking VIPS on their list, as she spends nearly a few million dollars each time. Having spent only a few hundred thousand dollars, you guys are

So what if Mia spends a lot? Luna couldn't spend that much because she has just acquired the card

Whether Mia will remain as a

you don't even know this. A child of a mistress is truly just as disgraceful as the mistress

in this household will eventually belong to

leave angrily. She was determined to get back at Jasmine for being humiliated

was also taken aback when Luna claimed that Raymond was going to groom Asher into his successor. Apparently, she had underestimated Raymond's obsession with having a son. It would take years for such a

Alison, that allowed him to come this far. Yet, it only took a boy for him to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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