Sage stood beside Timothy in silence.

Soon, news that Timothy was hospitalized spread, and Barrett Group's stock plunged.

The relatives of the Barrett family requested to hold a board meeting to elect another CEO. On the day of the board meeting, Mia brought her two children to Barrett Group.

They managed to keep everyone on a leash as Sage bore a striking resemblance to Timothy.

the kids are Mr. Barrett's children, they're still young and do not have any shares. You all shouldn't be here." Mia flung a document onto the table. "This is an agreement signed by Grandma Laura to authorizeto manage Timothy's shares." "Anyway, we still need to elect a CEO to handle our company affairs." "This is simple.

of directors was not satisfied with her suggestion.

motive, but she would not let them have

amended the program without permission and caused the bug that delayed the project for six months while we tried to fix the problem?" The middle-aged man's expression hardened. "Mr. Sage, you don't know anything, so mind your words." Mia turned to look at the man. "Is tha But my son was the one who fixed the bug, or else the project would have been delayed forever and not been put on the market." Her words astonished everyone in the meeting room. "Can a child be that capable?" Mia glanced at the man. "Not long ago, the Barrett Group website was hacked, and my son was the one who did it. If you don't believe me, you can ask your son to have a showdown with Sage." Right after she said that, a young man said defiantly, "Sure!" But the middle-aged man stopped him. Competing with a child would

spoke again, "Ms. Lane, I'm afraid an average person is not capable enough to be the CEO of Barrett Group." "Then I'll supervise the team. How about that?" "I don't think this will work." "Why can't my mommy do that? She's so competent. If you don't

middle-aged man's expression turned grim. "Ms. Lane, I have no comment if you're going to threatenwith your influence." "Shut your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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