None of the major shareholders was a fool.

After that, Mia was busy handling Barrett Group affairs and barely had tto rest.

With an exhausted look, she returned to the hospital.

Mia looked at Timothy and said, "I'll run away if you don't wake up soon." "No... Please don't go..." Timothy grabbed her hand. His gaze was deep.

Mia's eyes reddened as she gazed at the man who had just regained consciousness. Timothy finally cout of his coma.

that, everything was back to normal. Those who caused trouble

going to settle down overseas and would not cback

a huge sum of money before sending her away from Bern

discovered that she was not the granddaughter of the PrMinister of Yellow Island but merely his caregiver. Yet, she had been deceiving

ran away dejectedly. Nobody

"I'd like to repay your kindness by marrying you." Mia raised a brow while gazing at him. "Mr. Barrett, you'll have to queue up for that." "It's okay. I have a lot of patience for you." Looking at the man before her, she said to her two children. "Stop hiding. We have to go now." Ginger cout of hiding and whispered to Timothy, "Daddy, we'll be back very soon." Timothy stroked her head. "I'll wait for you guys." Sage remained aloof.

Pet terrible as he thought. S When Mia returned to Nord City, all her family was present, as she had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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