Chapter 60 Abandoned

Stanley drove away without asking his driver to tag along. He was making a beeline for Melinda. Dammit. Why did she meet up with him? She must stay away from him. He clenched the steering wheel, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Melinda was still having her tea, immersed in her thoughts. The tea was paid for, so she would only leave after she finished it. Frugality was a part of Sunnyvale’s creed, after all. She didn’t even realize Stanley had parked his car and was approaching her. Hmm, he took the kids in, so why didn’t he take Mervin in? Because he couldn’t accept his mistake? Is that why they became enemies? When Stanley sat down, Melinda could sense the tension in the air. When she finally snapped back to her senses and noticed his presence, she stared at him

in shock.

“Why did you see him?” Stanley cut to the chase. “You’re not allowed to get anywhere near him.”

“I have the freedom to see whom I want.” Melinda didn’t like the attitude. “Wait, your men are tailing me?! What makes you think you have the right?” She bristled.

“Answer me. Why did you see Mervin?” He looked at her, his gaze as sharp as a sword.

Their eyes met, and the tension kept on building up. Melinda was furious, but she didn’t want to argue with him, so she got up and left.

Then, he pulled her into his embrace. “I’m

of their flashes blinding Melinda. She turned around and saw some reporters showing up out of nowhere. Stanley wrapped his arms around her and gave her a deep kiss. Her eyes

the cameras kept snapping

you were going to fight. So, it was just

went on a date with his wife even on a workday. He must love her

to an end, and Stanley led Melinda to the car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and chucked

and was met with a face black as thunder. He’s mad. Well, I’m mad,

sudden. The inertia sent Melinda flying ahead, but the seatbelt held her firmly in place. Ouch, my tummy! She looked at Stanley. “Are

he warned. “Or

he?” Melinda teased. “He resembles you a

you have another son out there? Is that why you don’t want me

her an icy

thought I sought him out? It was a chance encounter. Fate wanted


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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