Chapter 61 Offering a Ride

Melinda was close to tears. Where in the world am I? There were no buildings around her, and she was surrounded by nature. The view was decent, and paddy fields were stretching out along the sides of the asphalt road. She pulled her phone out to check her location, only to realize that she was still far from Emerald Harbor. She was even further from Sunnyvale. Melinda turned her head left and right to look on both sides of the road, but there wasn’t a single vehicle to be seen. She was in the middle of nowhere!

Meanwhile, Shirlene had just completed one of her advertisement shoots by the side of the river when she looked around and caught a glimpse of Melinda, who was standing by the side of the road. “Please head back to the tent to get changed, Miss Grayson. We’ll be shooting the next scene soon,” a staff member uttered politely.

However, Shirlene held her hand up before waving at the staff member. I’m not shooting anymore today.” She strode off right after that. “Miss Grayson! We have specific scenes to complete by today-all of the staff members have scheduled their time accordingly! The staff protested, but Shirlene didn’t care about the staff members at all.

Although the staff members were annoyed at her behavior, none of them had the guts to voice out. They were accustomed to dealing with people like her who acted all innocent and pleasant only in front of reporters. Deep down, she was actually a haughty and selfish woman.

We already double-checked your availability yesterday,” he said. “I said, I’m not shooting anymore.” Shirlene shot the director with

all. Shirlene had just begun to walk away from the site again when a few reporters hurried, toward her with their microphones. She knitted

gorgeous today, Miss Grayson. Could we take a few minutes of

a sweet and innocent public figure? Would you ever consider playing the role of a mother

claim that you would have to go home to inherit your family’s business if you don’t do well in your acting career.

the reporters were questioning Shirlene, Shirlene casually glanced in Melinda’s direction. She wanted to make sure that Melinda was still there before she proceeded with her interview. “You shouldn’t believe those rumors. I’m simply doing my best with my capabilities. I’ve

do people say that Grayson Group has been training you to become their

brother, Miss Grayson? He’s about 12 years old, isn’t he? The young man rarely reveals himself in public. Is he kept in hiding because he’s receiving training to be the next heir?” another person

“As you said, my brother is being kept away from the public, so I won’t be able to answer your questions about him. Thank you for everyone’s support, and thank you for your interest in me. I’ll have to excuse myself now as I have other matters to handle,” Shirlene replied. Upon finishing her words, she gazed into the distance to

her car, she drove off without even taking her assistant along. It’s hard to get a cab here. Where did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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