Chapter 62 I Can’t Win Him

Melinda froze for a moment before she returned to her usual, calm self. “I’m sure you got the wrong person, she uttered. They stared at each other for a while more. Shirlene could clearly recall meeting Melinda somewhere else. She felt a strong sense of familiarity, yet she couldn’t place her finger on it at all. Where did I last see her?

Melinda simply beamed at Shirlene before she walked off. As the gentle breeze brushed against her skin, she felt as if something had sliced her heart… Her vision turned blurry for a brief moment. I might not have even gotten associated with the Graysons in this life if Shirlene hadn’t approached me time after time, huh? Melinda thought.

At the same time, a Lamborghini pulled up at the front of the Fox Group’s main building. Stanley had just unbuckled his seatbelt when he heard his phone ringing. He pulled it out and picked up the call. “Mr. Fox, Shirlene just tried to approach Mrs. Fox by the side of the road, but Mrs. Fox didn’t get into her car,” Stanley’s staff member stated. “It’s really hard for Mrs. Fox to get a cab where she is. Are you sure you want her to walk back?” Stanley’s gaze darkened as he contemplated the situation for a while, Then, he ended the call and started his car once more.

Melinda continued to walk down the asphalt road on her own. There were barely any cars on the road…. How could Stanley just leave me here? Does he have a heart at all? He’s a heartless monster! I can’t get back to Sunnyvale-I don’t know how long it’d take for me to walk there. I wonder if Mr. Leroy’s leg has recovered.

On the other hand, Shirlene tapped her slender and fair fingers against her chin as she frowned a little. She was in her sports car, which was still parked by the side of the road. She couldn’t understand the situation. Who exactly is Melinda? Why do I fast updateeel such a strong sense of familiarity when I see her? Why do I have this uneasy feeling in me ever since I first saw her? A phone call brought Shirlene back to reality.

and he sounded like he was practically begging her. “Don’t you understand the language? I told you I’m not filming anymore!” Shirlene ended the call before rolling her eyes. She was haughty because she had the ability to act that way. Grayson Group was the one who sponsored the advertisement, and

whereabouts. Stanley clutched tightly onto his steering wheel as his dark pupils remained fixed on the road in front of him. He recalled the first time that he had brought Melinda to make a public appearance, which was at Jessica’s birthday party. There had been a special look in her eyes when she glanced at Shawn. On top of that, she’s now Taylor’s master… She has a good relationship with Jessica, but Jessica is the mayor’s daughter. Most of the wealthier girls wouldn’t even dare to get close to Jessica. How could a woman who has lived in a poor village for the past seven years be affiliated with people like Jessica? About ten

brakes made Melinda jump. “Are you mad?!” Melinda turned around to find Stanley in the car! She was shocked at first, but she quickly decided that she didn’t want to acknowledge his presence. So, she simply hastened her footsteps as she continued walking. The Lamborghini edged forward a little to stop beside her once

Melinda started to run!

darkened as he stepped on the accelerator

to outrun a Lamborghini! Stanley seemed to be in no rush as he held onto the steering with one hand while dangling his other arm outside the window. He controlled the speed

this anymore, she thought as she panted while slowing herself down and stopping in

gunning Someone mang theo hay and the red pair of

dies enripiping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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