Chapter 104 All Efforts in Vain

“Mr. Swanson, why are the children not home yet?” Melinda carried the things into the kitchen as

she asked.

Gael followed her in. “Mr. Fox took them on a trip. They’ll be eating out tonight.”

Hearing that, Melinda thought, Oh, Stanley is in a good mood, alright.

“Great!” She was elated, as she figured this was a perfect chance for her. “I’ll have time to bake a cake for him, then!”

Gael watched as she put down the ingredients and went into the kitchen to prepare. She was even humming a song!

Madam seems to be in high spirits. Perhaps, Mr. For isn’t mad at all. Gael hoped that he was just overthinking it.

In the city center, Stanley brought the children to a restaurant to have steak.

It was the kind of restaurant where at least a thousand dollars had to be spent per person, and no one could enter without a VIP card.

The children were overjoyed.

The Lamborghini parked downstairs was too eye-catching, and it quickly attracted the reporters” attention. Then, they lay in wait for exclusive shots.

The restaurant on the 38th floor had an elegant atmosphere, and the view was amazing. Tonight, Stanley had the rare opportunity to spend time alone with the kids.

he watched the children eat with such enthusiasm, he couldn’t help feeling

delicious. Won’t you try a bite?” Pamela blinked with her large adorable eyes

was satisfied just by watching them

dinner, the reporters started tailing them, taking photos of


time together, and when he saw the smiles on the children’s faces, his aura

aura some moments later, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome

were trying to scoot closer for a few close-up shots, they were stopped

came out

Fox’s private

take photos from a distance away. Thus, Stanley’s image of a good father was

how Stanley’s relationship with Melinda would fast updaten

Melinda was wearing an apron and a mask. She had already beaten the eggs, and she had also

were measured out appropriately, and she would use the best

the ingredients were

the children in Sunnyvale before, so she was confident in her

when he saw

Melinda getting on the news for dining with Mervin,

trying to bake a cake as

later, the cake had the most beautiful shade in the oven, and the fragrance of

wafted in the air..

was getting dark, but there was still no

Gael waited patiently.

outside time and time again. Finally, she caught sight of headlights shining

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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