Chapter 105 He’s in a Foul Mood Tonight

“It’s not like that!” Melinda was exasperated as she fumed, “We weren’t that close! A small bug landed on my head, so he was just shooing it away. What sort of photos are these?! And why were they taken at that angle? This is slander!”

Gael believed her, of course, but what about the countless netizens out there?

“Madam, the news has been suppressed.”

Melinda took in a sharp breath as she widened her eyes. “Then, Stanley… saw that as well?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt stupid for even asking.

Stanley had to be the person who suppressed the news, so of course, he must have seen it.

Oh, no! Stanley’s relationship with Mervin was precarious enough, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he were mad.

She went upstairs dejectedly.

“Madam…” Gael didn’t know what to do, either.

Melinda sighed as she sat cross-legged on the couch in front of the window in the master bedroom. Her mind went blank for a few seconds.

Did Stanley leave because he was angry? Or was it because of work?

she hesitated again. W say once the call goes through? How can I explain this to him? Will

feeling a little hungry before this, but now she longer felt hungry anymore with all the troubles filling up her mind. She gazed at the

pursing lightly. His dark eyes looked like ancient galaxies,

wrapped up work for today, right? Why are you

Stanley didn’t reply.

to the company, pulling up by the entrance of

of the car. He put his hands into his pockets as he walked into the lobby. Then, he took the elevator to the president’s

had already clocked out by

decorated in a modern style. It was spacious

to retrieve a syringe and

happened to pass by the entrance, paused in her tracks.

the blue liquid into his body, her heart ached

was allowed to eat

know why Stanley would still be

idea why he was


of coffee. She was wearing her business attire, and hints of elegance could be found in her stylish outfit. She

placed a mug of coffee on his desk, asking, “Why haven’t you gone

up with a stern

him, however. “What happened? Why

to respond

him alone, she sat on the couch. “When you’re in a bad mood, you should talk to someone. You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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