Chapter 137 Sticking Stubbornly

Stanley said something on the other end of the line.

+15 Bonus

Max sighed and said, “Alright, I’ll postpone them for you. Are you sure that you won’t be coming here at all for the next ten days?”


Max was deeply troubled, for he had to postpone all the items on the schedule for the next ten days.

Sometime later, Monica heard Max say, “I’ll report to you every night via video call.”

She was puzzled. What was wrong with Stanley? Why would he be absent for ten days?

After the call ended, Monica stepped in. “Mr. Vance, what happened to Mr. Fox?”

Max turned to glance at her. “Miss Keller.” Then, he continued tidying up the documents on the desk. “He won’t be coming in for the next ten days.”

“Is he sick?” The woman was very worried. “Where is he now?”

He’ll be staying there

Jennifer? Monica couldn’t help feeling slightly worried, but she didn’t.

Max, then said. “We’re going to partner with DaKings, but it doesn’t have much of a

Mr. Fox’s thoughts either, but he has evaluated all aspects of the company, so he must think that it’s still fine. Max said. “He has the final

the company might not

way, you should trust Mr. Fox’s

She couldn’t say the same about Stanley’s choice

didn’t say another word as she turned

about the situation and guessed

her, so why would he stay in

days. Had Jennifer’s illness

Stanley get into a fight with Melinda and didn’t want to see


Sticking fast

+15 Bonus

Repulse Bay. Max was here to deliver Stanley’s laptop along

office necessities.

an office desk and a chair, giving Taylor

“What are you-

Chloe could finish asking. Stanley walked in as well. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he coughed lightly, then reached up and grazed a corner of his lips as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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