Chapter 138 Oblivious Miss Fox

+15 Bonus

“I thought this might suit you since it helps with sleep. That’s why I got it for you.” Monica passed the bag to Stephanie, then ordered, “Remember to prepare a serving for Miss Fox every night. Thank you.”

“Understood, Miss Keller.” Stephanie’s expression was calm as she refused to give Monica another glance.

She felt that Monica was the homewrecker here. Stanley and Melinda were living happily together, and they even had children already.

Why did Monica keep intervening?

After that, Monica sat on the couch with Jennifer.

“Monica, why don’t you stay for lunch?” Jennifer took Monica’s hand as she said meaningfully, “Stanley is

here as well.”

There was a smile on Monica’s face. “I know he’s here. There’s a document I need him to sign.”

“He’ll be staying here for ten days.” Jennifer was happy as well. “It has been a long while since he last spent time with me like this. You should come here more often when you’re free. The look in her eyes concealed plenty of hidden messages.

Then, she looked up at the butler. “Hobson, Miss Keller will be having lunch here. Give her the menu!”


but she acted humble. “Wouldn’t it be too much

not! We’re bound to be family sooner or later, anyway.” Jennifer took Monica’s hand and patted it, smiling as she whispered, “It’s been a while since you last spent time

Is Melinda not here?

Melinda asked, “Miss

her tone turned cold. “I told her that she’s

able to see

heard that, it felt like her heart

two chatted

said, “You should go up and

up daintily, then bowed politely at Jennifer. “I’ll be going upstairs now, Miss

“Go ahead.”



138 Oblivious

+15 Bonus

forward to them meeting again, and she anticipated

and it might be because he fought

and grandchildren were here, and so was her future daughter-in-law.

gazed at the figure walking upstairs, a rare smile gracing her lips. She thought that the future was bright

what a perfect family should look

a sumptuous lunch was in

asked Max to bring

Monica saw the three rooms with signs hanging on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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