Chapter 184 Don’t Be Pretentious

“She has known Stanley since she was 11, and today she turns 33” Jennifer said. “Every time they celebrated birthdays and all the holidays, they were together. Look at how distant and indifferent they are now. Its because you and the children appeared. They used to be happy and blissful Monica v love for

has already penetrated deep into her bones, but she never demands anything. She strives to prove herself, just to share Stanley’s burdens,” Jennifer concluded. “I believe she loves my son more

than you

Melinda couldn’t help but envy the 22 years they had spent together.

“Therefore, Monica is more suitable to be his wife. She has proven herself with 22 years of hard work. She has already joined Fox Group and become indispensable to Stanley,” Jennifer explained.

Melinda had already made up her mind to leave, and Jennifer’s words only solidified her decision.

“Go ahead and leave-and never come back, Jennifer handed her a plane ticket along with a card. “Take thus cand: I don’t want to owe you anything. Consider it as my medical expenses.”

The plane ticket showed tomorrow afternoon as the departure time, with Wotash as the destination.

“I’ll take the plane ticket, but there’s no need for the card Melinda picked up the ticket. These medications will be mass-produced for the benefit of all humanity. I don’t care about the money

it. Don’t be pretentious?” Jennifer stood up, looking down at her coldly. “I told you, I don’t want

card as well. She stood up and said, “Fine, I won’t pretend to be noble.” fast

eyes revealed a sense of disgust as she

anything else to say? If not,

him and never appear


had accompanied her for 26 years into her bag. These were her only belongings and

afternoon, Melinda’s mood was heavy. Monica had given 22 years of her companionship to Stanley. How many days and

who was pulled into the

had been,

on the phone with Edward He cheerfully spoke, “I plan to take Melinda to your place for a vacation and also personally advertise your daughter’s ring. Please make the arrangements; we’ll be there

daughter has been asking about it. She always feels like you just said it casually and then forgot about it after returning to


Don’t Be

1, Stanley, never

box and carefully applied the ointment to Jennifer by

front of the dressing table. Jennifer bravely looked at her reflection. She took off her mask, revealing intact and fine skin on one side of her face, while the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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