Chapter 185 Something Went Wrong

After exchanging a few simple greetings with his mother, Stanley turned and went to find his wife

In the living room on the second floor of the villa, Stanley sat on the couch and handed a card to the girl across from him. “Take it.”

She was slightly startled, recognizing the familiar scene that she had just experienced.

“What’s this for?” she asked.

There was a gentle warmth in the corner of the man’s lips. “It’s 200 million. Take it.”

“I don’t want it,” she said. “I don’t need the money.”

“Even if you don’t need the money, you should still take it.” He looked at her affectionately. “This is my token of love, and besides, we signed an agreement, didn’t we?”

However, the agreement had been torn up by his mother and had no legal effect.

reach out to take it: 200 million was

don’t need it.

of that,” he said earnestly and gently. “But if you don’t accept it, I’ll be uneasy. I want to give you the best, and money can

accept it. When the company needs it, you can send an email to Chloe’s mailbox, and I will transfer any extra money to you. This money

spirited laugh, and he was filled with charm under the strands of sunlight shining in from the

he said with a smile. “You’re right by my side, so why would

your stomach medicine on time?”

you put into it. I’ll take it more punctually than

at the corner of her

few days, she had insisted on

hours before

was a meeting

with a smile

for her

Something Went Wrong

dishes, and Jennifer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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