Chapter 190 A Conversation

The caller was Jennifer.

Without hesitation, Monica answered, “Hello, Miss Fox. Her voice sounded respectful and gentle, as it always did.

“Stanley took Melinda to Navelie. Did you know about it?” Jennifer sighed on the other end of the line

Surprised. Monica replied, “I didn’t know. I only knew he handed his work over to Max. Her heart pricked at the thought. Did they go to Navelie? To the castle estate?

Then, she heard Jennifer’s voice again. “Monica, why don’t you stay at Repulse Bay tonight? Come over for dinner. There are many things I want to talk to you about.”

Monica’s heart was filled with anxiety, unsure of what Jennifer wanted to discuss. Would Jennifer try to persuade her to give up? But she could only agree. “Okay.”

“I won’t disturb you at work anymore. You can go back to your tasks.” Jennifer hung up the phone.

In the elegantly decorated office, Monica sat down in the chair, holding her phone and being lost in contemplation. She had no idea what Jennifer’s stance was. What did she want to talk to her about? Was she going to apologize? Was she going to ask her to give up Stanley?

No… She couldn’t do that. She couldn’t bear to be separated from Stanley! Only death could part them!

a file in his hand. “What’s wrong? You

and quickly returned to

us for cooperation. After evaluating various aspects, they believe this project

a rush to read the file. Instead, she looked up at him. “Did Mr. Fox say that during

update. For smaller matters, you can handle them.

Bother him?

a trip but having to deal

felt that Melinda was bad

glanced at the project evaluation casually before handing


sensed her unhappiness.



Night fell.

among the tree branches, and stars sparkled in the sky. It was a

moonlight. Some blooming flowers appeared

only selected the recipes herself but also

was as if she had removed her shackles. She could finally wear her favorite clothes,

servants brought out the dishes, which looked sumptuous, but Jennifer had little appetite. What was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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