Chapter 191 It’s Clear Which Side She’s On

“Alright, then!” Monica turned around and went to the car to get her professional photography equipment

In the meantime, Stephanie accompanied Jennifer up the stairs to browse the clothing selection

In the past few years, Jennifer had developed a habit of wearing long-sleeved garments, covering herself up completely. Consequently, she had not purchased many new clothes. She rarely ventured outside and seldom caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

“Miss Fox, Mrs. Fox’s clothes are exquisite,” Stephanie commented.

Jennifer responded softly, “From now on, Monica will become Mrs. Fox. You should amend your way o addressing her.”


Stephanie lowered her gaze, nodding silently in acknowledgment. Yet, Jennifer’s eyes fixed on the dresses brought from Emerald Harbor. They displayed a wide array of styles, each one exquisitely beautiful and captivating to the heart.

guidance, and together they engaged in a discussion, carefully selecting a

her that even if she attended a new banquet every day, she would not


was artfully pinned with a jade hairpin, adding a touch of elegance. As she stood there, she

her exceptional photography skills, displaying both talent and patience. “Mrs. Fox. please lift your

demonstrated, showing the ideal stance for a more natural

into four different outfits and capturing nearly

her regain her confidence. From initially being unable to relax to facing the camera naturally,

photo they took was more beautiful than the

her injury,

and create an album as a special gift, precisely what Jennifer

in the same bed with me tonight?” Jennifer held her hand, her

honor for Monica, and she could not possibly refuse

light was turned off, and the bright moonlight shone through the window. The evening breeze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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