Mi esposo, un bello durmiente By Lyanna Nichols Capítulo 48 Vídeo

Dave miró hacia atrás y vio que Ivan y Clare se acercaban con un grupo de personas .

Dave pensó : “ ¡ Sé lo que Ivan quiere hacer ! ”

“ Me engañó deliberadamente para que intimidara a la Sra . Smith , y luego vino aquí con su gente . Podría arruinar la reputación de la Sra . Smith y toda la culpa recaería sobre mí . ¡ Iván es tan intrigante ! ”

Dave se puso hosco . “ Para ser honesto , soy realmente un imbécil . _ _ Pero no me importa si los demás me menosprecian o me regañan por ser un tonto . _ _ Solo odio cuando otros me usan como un tonto . _ _ ”

“ ¡ Siempre salgo con Iván e incluso lo tomo como amigo ! _ _ ”

“ ¿ Estás bien ? Lucien vio que el vestido de Cynthia estaba desordenado con una gran huella sucia . Sabía que ella debía haberse encontrado con algo malo , así que preguntó apresuradamente .

Cynthia estaba tan pálida que negó con la cabeza y forzó una sonrisa . “ Estoy bien . ¡ Afortunadamente , Alston llegó a tiempo ! ”

Ivan y Dave se enfrentaron con opiniones diferentes .

Ivan siempre había tenido un miedo natural a Alston desde que Alston le rompió la mano la última vez . su derecho

La mano sería un dolor penetrante incluso cuando viera a Alston .

Ivan said, “Dave is lying. I didn’t let him come here at all. I… I just saw him get drunk and stagger towards here. I was fearing that he would bump into Mrs. Smith, so I came here too. I didn’t expect to hear his

palabras calumniosas tan pronto como llegué ! _ ”

Ivan mostró una expresión desafiante en su rostro como si estuviera muy decepcionado con Dave .

Dave had really an unutterable agony. He thought, “Ivan and I know the truth exactly. But I have no evidence. Now, Ivan is confusing right and wrong, b*stard.”

“Oh, that’s weird!”

When Ivan was complacent and thought he could muddle through, Lucien suddenly asked,

“How long did it take from your meeting with Dave to Ivan’s showing up?”

Cynthia was clear and frowned. “It’s almost ten minutes!”

“Oh, I see!” Lucien deliberately let out a sigh. “Ivan, since you saw Dave staggered over here, why will you. come here until now? Why do you bring so many people with you!”

“… I… I’m afraid I can’t control Dave by myself…” Ivan didn’t expect Lucien to ask those questions. At that time, he didn’t know how to explain, so he faltered and dodged his eyes.

Clare spoke at that time. His expression was gentle, but he looked at Alston with a hint of threatening, “Today is Buck’s 50th birthday. It would be bad if things get too complicated. Besides, isn’t Cynthia still safe?

Dave has also been taught a lesson. I think we can stop here!”

at the palm print on Dave’s face, acting like a

“He is

no fuera por ese accidente y estuve en coma durante cuatro meses , no me enteraría de que él había estado haciendo pequeños trucos a sus espaldas . _ _ Élha organizado su propio poder durante tantos años . Ahora ya no lo

. ”

Me temo que esto no funcionará ! Alston rechazó directamente la sugerencia de Clare y se

que Dave e Ivan tienen opiniones diferentes , ¡ no aceptaste que Dave lo hizo si quieres

viejo señor Clinton . _ Alston continuó después de verlo

have an impact on both your and your family’s reputation. So I think


that. “Although Dave is a

Dave, do you agree to the

I am willing. I can guarantee that

Ivan can promise.”

didn’t look very good either.

to bite the bullet

small hand

and asked, “Is there any security camera in the

in every corner. I’ll

if Ivan has talked to Dave before he came here,

will be clear.”

felt anxious after hearing that. He tugged at Clare’s clothes and looked

his throat. “This can’t prove anything. As we all know, Ivan has a good relationship with Dave, and they often hang out. Isn’t it normal for him

check the security tapes. I can tell you right now that I did talk to

head high, and his guilty

“The security camera in

of himself and thought, “It would be fine even if it can record.

hear me except Dave

innocence, Dave was angry and

quarreled with him..

thought of something and pulled Alston’s finger, indicating that

bent down slightly and

that if Ivan

itch and seemed

with wine by a woman. You can check if that

any contact with Ivan.”

saw Alston staring

something wrong? Why does he look at me like

back of her hand with his fingers, and his voice


turned red. She buried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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