Mi esposo, un bello durmiente By Lyanna Nichols Capítulo 49 Date una bofetada

¡ No la conozco ! ”

Iván gritó . Estaba en pánico porque no esperaba que Alston notara a esa mujer . _ _

Recordó que Alston acababa de subir las escaleras con Buck . ¿ Cómo podía Alston ver a esa mujer ?

Iván miró furtivamente , pero se encontró con la mirada inexpresiva de Cynthia y se detuvo .

¡ Debe ser Cinthia ! ¡ Debe ser Cynthia quien lo encontró !

¡ Maldita sea !

Un odio intenso brotó de los ojos de Iván , pero desapareció por un instante . Rezó para que no lo vigilaran

al hablar con esa mujer .

Pero no sucedió . _ Iván y esa mujer fueron atrapados con las manos en la masa mientras hablaban , y sus miradas y acciones

estaban claros .

“Is there anything else you want to say?” Alston looked at him coldly and said, “If you still want to quibble, I

will ask a lip linguist to come over.”

Ivan lowered his head and couldn’t say a word anymore

¡ Dime cómo resolver este problema ! _ Alston se volvió hacia Clare .

Clare se convirtió en el centro de atención y él se sintió muy avergonzado . Su rostro se sonrojó y dijo : “ Iván es joven . _

Por favor, perdone su impetuosidad .

“Uncle Clare!” Alston interrupted him relentlessly with a cold voice. “Cynthia is my wife, and she is younger than Ivan. Did he have any worries before humiliating Cynthia? If you don’t punish him, he will do the same vicious thing again and get us into trouble. I think it won’t be good for us.”

Alston’s words placed Clare in a dilemma. He couldn’t help frowning, and his face darkened. “What do you

want to do?” he asked.

Clare’s words were what Alston wanted him to say. Alston turned and pointed to the slapping print on Dave’s face. “Dave has slapped himself for expressing his apology. Since Ivan is the instigator…” he said.

Hearing what Alston said, Ivan got a bad feeling.

Then Alston’s cold voice rose.

eight times, and we will count. After slapping, I will overlook

and his reddened

broke his hand when he attempted to assault Cynthia, but no one saw his mess

in a box.

sí mismo , lo cual fue una verdadera humillación .

to the ground, and his face flushed with anger.

front of others?”

didn’t regard Cynthia as his cousin’s wife. He didn’t respect me at all. Why should I give

reacted when he heard it, “Yes, I have done. Ivan should slap himself

truly realized they were

slap himself. Alston impatiently looked at Ivan and Clare after

Cynthia comb her hair.

waiting for?

minute. If you waste our time,

he had no choice. He gritted his teeth severely and



the slap sounded, Alston counted a number indifferently. “Are you too weak to slap

Clare almost rushed up but was stopped by

Alston and Cynthia viciously and continued to slap.

and dull. All his precious arrogance and cruelty has been

made him look unfathomable.

and she felt Ivan’s strange emotions. She worried Ivan

care. After counting to “eight“,

the real b*stard. From now on, he is my enemy. I will never be at the same

a commotion from

Cynthia’s dress was pushed out from the

and quivered with fear.

is Mr. Ivan. He told me he would be my boyfriend if I poured


the woman became

a daughter of a small family. If she could become Ivan’s girlfriend, it would put her over the top, so she agreed to Ivan’s promise

happen later, and her deal with Ivan was exposed directly. She

only sacrificial lamb..

Cynthia standing quietly behind Alston. Suddenly, her eyes lit


Cynthia forgave her, Alston would let go of

up to Cynthia, almost kneeling on the ground,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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