Stella calmly looked back and asked expressionlessly, “Yes, Ms. Steward? What’s the matter?”

Phoebe looked at Clarence and then at her, “Ms. Radomil, it’s so difficult for you to have a chance to enter such a banquet. If you go now, wouldn’t it be a pity?”

Before Stella said anything, Clarence said coldly, “Why a pity?”

Phoebe smiled, “Nothing. I just think since Ms. Radomil was invited by Mr. Thomas in person if she leaves before the party ends, it’s not so appropriate. Anyone who is well-educated and polite wouldn’t leave before it ends.”

Since the atmosphere was getting tense, Cameron coughed, “Ms. Steward, you’ve exaggerating it. It’s just a birthday. Nothing particularly important.”

“Mr. Thomas, I know you are generous and don’t mind Ms. Radomil. However, something has been in the bones and was born with. What do you think, Clarence?”

Her words didn’t only mock Stella but also Clarence.

After a few seconds, Stella said with a smile, “Ms. Steward, you are absolutely right. Something was born with. One cannot change her class origin, but no matter how well she tries to hide, one day, she would still expose how arrogant, mean, and rude she actually is under her pretty appearance.”

As soon as she finished the words, Phoebe’s expression changed dramatically. She looked extremely annoyed.

Right then, Cameron also calmly echoed, “Ms. Radomil, I agree with you. No matter how well the disguise is, the original face will be exposed because of those things born with.”

When he spoke, he cast a glance at Charles intentionally and unintentionally.

Compared to Phoebe’s embarrassment, Charles looked quite expressionless. He snapped in a deep voice, “Phoebe, you were being quite rude just now. Apologize to Ms. Radomil.”

“Not necessary.” Stella still smiled and looked at Phoebe. She continued, “Ms. Steward, I know you don’t like me at all. I hope you can understand I’m not the person who has caused the current situation. You shouldn’t have always picked a weak lamb.”

After finishing her words, Stella nodded slightly at Cameron and turned to leave directly.

Clarence stood motionlessly. Slightly raising his brows, he said to Cameron, “Mr. Thomas, I’ve got to leave as well.”

Cameron nodded.

Phoebe immediately

that, Daniel

didn’t plan to get involved in this matter. Since the children came to me, please

said, “I’ve done it for the sake of Phoebe’s

She used to be engaged to Clarence Conrad. Even if she married into the Conrad family,

Charles didn’t speak.

loves Phoebe truly. Besides, Phoebe likes him as well. Why don’t you let them have a try rather than binding two

been decided. If I called it off now, I can’t

you feel disgraced to say it, I

that Daniel would

almost lost contact,

some reason, Charles couldn’t refuse


direction where Stella

to marry into the Conrad family. The engagement has been decided, if I called it off now, Phoebe’s engagements will be called off twice in three months. You know how harsh the rumors are. I don’t want

over and didn’t

indeed a huge problem. Let alone canceling the engagement again, the most important was

make sense, and Cameron

was a kid. Now you are thinking about her lifetime happiness. However, under the current situation,

Cameron couldn’t insist on persuading him any longer. He could only


heading inside. He came to her and was about to speak, and then he saw Clarence following her. Emmett

“Stella, let me give you

checked her cell phone and refused, “No, thanks. The taxi

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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