Half an hour later, the white car stopped in front of the apartment.

Stella got off. When she was heading into the community, she saw the wretched man’s car was pulled over on the roadside.

She wondered why he had arrived earlier than she did.

When Stella curled her lips, the door of the Rolls-Royce was opened. She saw the man’s tall and strong figure.

Clarence cast her a glance calmly, “Why are you running so fast?”

Stella answered seriously, “Going home for dinner.”

“That’s good. I haven’t had it either. Let’s have dinner together.”

Stella was speechless.

She said crossly, “Mr. Conrad, don’t you have your own home?”

Clarence turned around and walked forward slowly, “A home is called home with family. Otherwise, it’s only a cold house.”

“Mr. Conrad, are you studying the family affection recently?”

Clarence ignored her. Standing in front of the building entrance, with a hand in his trousers pocket, he slightly tilted his head, hinting at her to open the door.

Stella inhaled deeply, taking the card from the bag.

After the door was unlocked, Clarence pushed the door open and let her in first.

Stella said, “Mr. Conrad, I didn’t know you are such a gentleman before.”

Clarence raised his eyebrows, “It depends on whom I’m with.”

After walking out of the elevator, Stella entered the passcode to open the door of her apartment. As soon as she pushed the door open, Sherry’s voice was heard from the inside, “Stella, how did your date with Emmett go? Have you...”

Sherry hadn’t finished her words. When she saw the wretched man behind Stella, she suddenly stopped.

Then she let out a hollow laugh and turned around, “Ah, I’m so sleepy suddenly. I’m going to bed now!”

she trotted back to her

the living room, Channing also put away his laptop and picked up the bag. He stood up and

forehead, Stella

left in the living room, Stella

you sure they

Stella gritted her teeth. She was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him. Taking off her coat, she walked into

fridge, only to find two

hadn’t planned to make him a feast. She

soup with fried tomato and eggs was

soup, Clarence had been

come upstairs for dinner because I used to stay in Ms. Anderson’s house without

lips, “Ehn. I know

suddenly realized that she shouldn’t have said so. Probably, he truly misunderstood it after she had said

kitchen again and took out her own bowel. She

“Why are you

and answered casually, “I’m

you eat noodles so

Stella choked up.

you don’t want to eat it, just leave. You

“I’m afraid you’ll be starved

popped. She had explained several times that she used to eat a lot because she was pregnant at that time. Why did the wretched man mistake her like a hungry hog that could never

was angry, Clarence said calmly, “Go

so her tummy was

asked, “Why did

expect that he would suddenly ask her about it. After a moment of silence,


tolerate her up to three times, but I’m a beauty, not a

Clarence choked up.

seconds later, he burst

felt a bit embarrassed, and her

against his lips and coughed, holding back his laughter. He said in a

immediately stood up, cleaned

doing the dishes, she gradually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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