Stella went home only at midnight during the two days where Clarence was not around.

And she flung herself on the sofa soon as she arrived home.

She thought the affair in the studio was exhausting but it was nothing compared to managing the whole company.

She was even quite offended when Clarence said she didn't need to go to the studio. But it seemed like it was true now.

However, she only handled unimportant stuff at the office while Donald handled most of the important stuff such as collaborative contracts for her, things that she was confused about.

And she still needed to squeeze time for her design drafts.

She wished she could split herself into multiple individuals now.

She would never say Clarence was not busy anymore. Not only he could handle a huge corporation like the Conrad Group, he even had time to go on dates with her, she was impressed.

The next day, Logan rushed up to Stella the moment she entered the office, "Something is up, Ms. Radomil."

"What happened?" Stella asked.

"We've got the news that Dempsey Conrad was involved in an accident, it's quite severe."

Stella frowned in silence.

Logan added, "But we don't know the exact situation, I've sent someone over and should get updates soon…"

"There's no need."

as I know, it was Justin who is involved in an accident, perhaps he is not

not knowing

to Donald, "What's

will know soon, guess it's not

"What do you

the sofa, "Dempsey invited all prominent business persons in City N for

hurt and he's organizing a party at a time

trick is much more

at Logan who was in the office, he

"Okay," Stella nodded.

had left, "He told you Dempsey Conrad


about it after they explained. The public is now curious about who Justin is and his relationship with Dempsey. And they invited everyone over for a party, what do you think his intention

opposite Donald and thought for while "He wants to use this opportunity to

has been staying home all this while because of health problems, so not many know about him and his relationship with Dempsey Conrad. Apart from those who are close to the Conrad, no one knows there's another son from

fetched Clarence home because

be managed to get out of his control and threaten his existence. After trying everything but still failed to

with Justin, he didn't seem to be a sly person or interested in the Conrad

him out just as an excuse to replace Clarence, he will

Clarence is Dempsey's son, though not by Joanna. Dempsey fetched him

a puppet should be controlled by a puppeteer," Donald remarked. "Clarence began freeing himself from his control and reducing his influence since he gained power and now locked him up at home and stripped away all his

was speechless and added, "He won't

"Clarence's is unpredictable."

worries understandable, but he has been trying to get rid of Clarence even before this. If it wasn't for what he did before, Clarence won't take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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