There were lots of guests visiting the Conrad, it was as much as or even more guests than during Dempsey's birthday party last year.

One different thing was Justin rarely show himself, he was hiding all the time.

But today, he stayed beside Dempsey all the time, he had never left his side.

Although Dempsey was walking with a cane, he looked extremely lively and greeted all the guests while introducing Justin.

"Justin has been staying home due to some health issues, but he had gotten much better now, you'll be seeing him often in the future, please take good care of him." That was his lines.

Vincent stood not far away holding a wine glass, "It seems like Dempsey is determined to bring Justin into the Conrad Group," he said softly.

Donald mocked, "He has got no other way. His force in London is already a mess."

Stella looked at Justin who stayed beside Dempsey in his wheelchair in silence. He had not spoken and looked like a puppet being controlled.

She frowned, "Justin didn't do it willingly."

"He wouldn't have waited until now if he wants the Conrad Group," Vincent added.

"If Dempsey stays beside him all the time, we wouldn't have a chance to ask anything," Stella said.

Donald took a sip of his champagne, "We can't keep waiting, I'll do something."

He strode towards Dempsey and smiled, "Hi Mr. Dempsey."

Dempsey was enjoying his talk with someone else but his face stiffened as he turned to Donald, "It's you, when did you come back?" he said with a cold tone.

"It's been quite some time," Donald looked towards Justin, "I heard that Justin was hurt, is he okay?"

Justin shook his head and spoke for the first time tonight, "I'm okay."

Donald let out a concerning sigh, "Your forehead is injured, do be careful not to get infected."

them from behind during their conversation; he took the chance to pour his

Stella stood

was truly a

doing?" Dempsey

sorry, I'm a bit drunk,


took his handkerchief and

well as in front of the guests, he yelled at the maid nearby, "What are

"Yes." And

to follow Justin while he blocked in front of Dempsey and apologized sincerely, "I'm so sorry, let me make it up to you by

consultation? I guess you are

collaborate with the Shawn family before, but Donald and Clarence became alliances out of nowhere, and the Shawn family

nowhere to be seen, do be careful not to bump

nodded after a few

after they arrived at his room, "You can

"But Master Conrad said…"

trying to go

to speak

clothes, and went to the backyard instead

quiet in the

quietly for a while before saying, "You

towards him, "Mr.

his wheelchair and was slightly surprised,

"I heard that you were injured,

"I accidentally tripped myself while getting down the stairs, no severe injuries,

and continued, "Clarence is

Stella bit her lips, "Did you… Not know

haven't heard of it, something is

that it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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