In the Conrad Group…

When Clarence just walked out of the meeting room, Nathan hurried walked over and stopped in front of him, “Mr. Conrad, there’s an accident.”

“Spill the beans.”

“Mrs. Conrad had a car accident ten minutes ago.” Noticing the sudden change of Clarence’s expression, Nathan hurriedly continued, “It’s not serious as it’s just a rear-end collision. Our men have sent Mrs. Conrad to the hospital. Mr. Conrad, please rest assured, her life is not threatened.”

Clarence abruptly turned around, walked towards the lift and said in a cold voice, “Have you investigated that driver?”

“Yes. Seems like it’s a pure accident. They were so cooperative after the accident and now is on the way to the hospital.”

Clarence slightly pressed his thin lips together and walked into the lift. He didn’t say anything else.

Nathan followed behind him, “I will continue to investigate this.”

Clarence said, “Block the news of her car accident to the public.”


“If someone dares to do anything at this point of time, it means he or she is the one who planned this.”

Nathan nodded his head, “I understand.”

Half an hour later, Clarence arrived at the hospital.

His subordinate, who had been guarding Stella in the ward, walked out and greeted him, “Mr. Conrad, the doctor said Mrs. Conrad just suffered a mild concussion and she was temporarily unconscious. She just needs to stay in the hospital for two days for observation.”

“Where is she?”

“She’s still in the ward.”

Clarence paused and asked in a cold voice, “Where is that driver?”

His subordinate replied, “The police officers came and they are now taking dictations at the door of Mrs. Conrad’s ward.”

“Lead me there.”


mean to hit her. There was a roadblock on the road and we didn’t notice it either. She braked suddenly. It was so sudden that we couldn’t control

Our car was also seriously broken due to the accident. As for the maintenance expense, we will claim

the aggrieved party. Why didn’t you pay attention to the condition on the

the brake so suddenly and this car accident would not happen. But sir, you also know that she’s a female driver. Female drivers

Cut the craps. How can you shift the blame to that female driver? Do you know how to keep

for this. We will accept it no matter what the punishment is. Can we leave

“Why are you in such a hurry? Wait until

a glance and

at this moment, there came a string of footsteps

men immediately lowered their

walked closer, the police officer asked,

“I’m her

she wakes up, she also needs to

he glanced over the two men who were trying their best to reduce their sense of presence and then took a glance at Nathan. Then he walked into the

and said, “Hello, I want to learn about the details of

pointed at one of the men, “You please.

In the ward…

on the bed with gauze around

hand. Clarence, who had been highly strung up after learning about the accident, secretly heaved a sigh

minutes later, Stella’s eyelashes shook and she slowly

hair and asked in

him, knitting her brows. She moved her lips and

it is a mild concussion. It’s normal for you to feel dizzy. They will make

head. She grabbed Clarence’s hand to comfort him, “I’m fine.

lips into

minutes later, several doctors walked into the ward and examined Stella’s condition. Then one of them said, “So far she has no other problem except for a mild concussion. We will observe her condition for several days and

walked into the


him, “Mr.

two men,

“Sir, we also don’t want this accident to happen. It’s normal for one to have a mild collision when driving. This is inevitable, right? Moreover, we were also


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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