After the police officer’s leaving, Clarence came back to the ward. The moment he stepped into the ward, he saw Stella sitting on the bed with a worried look. He walked over and asked, “Do you still feel dizzy?”

Stella looked at her pitifully, “I’m hungry.”

Clarence was rendered speechless.

He then said, “I will go to ask the doctor about what you can eat.”

Stella nodded her head. But when Clarence prepared to leave the ward, she grabbed his hand, “Oh, have you finish the work in your company? There’s nothing to deal with here. If you’re busy…”

Clarence raised his hand and curved his finger. Originally he intended to flip her forehead. However, when seeing the gauze around her forehead, he felt distressed and changed his mind. He gently rubbed her nose bridge and said, pretending to be angry, “What’s in your mind?”

Stella rubbed her nose bridge. But the rare thing was that this time she didn’t retort him. She said, “In the past, I don’t understand why managing a company is a tiresome thing. But ever since I took charge of the Steward Group, I finally understand how much time and effort it should take to manage a big company like the Steward Group, not to mention managing the Conrad Group. It’s for the good of you.”

“Don’t think too much. Go to bed.”

“I can’t sleep. I’m hungry.”

Clarence said, “I will go to ask the doctor. Lie on the bed and don’t move.”

Stella replied, “Okay.”

After Clarence left the ward, Stella leaned against the head of the bed and found her phone on the bedside table.

She found Sherry sent her a message half an hour ago, asking whether she had back home or not.

Stella texted three words “I am home” and sent the message. She felt dizzy again. Therefore, she put down her phone and closed her eyes for a rest.

Clarence came back after a short while with a bag of food in his hand.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Stella immediately felt cheered up.

Clarence put the paper bag aside and lifted the small table equipped to the hospital bed.

When Stella reached out for the tableware, Clarence said, “Sit there.”

Stella leaned back against the head of the bed.

Sitting beside the bed, Clarence took out a spoon and spooned some porridge. He lowered his head, blew the porridge and reached the porridge to her mouth.

this, Stella uncontrollably curled her

slightly raised his brows,

Stella was bewildered, “What?”

the hospital. Why are you so

the first time for me to see you being so thoughtful, and

“How do you feel?”

“It’s strange.”

Clarence was rendered speechless.

mood was greatly improved. She hadn’t had such a good mood for a long

bowl of

called his name,

man replied in a low

I leave the

“Don’t you

Stella, “…”

still felt a bit

down the small over-bed table and said, “Don’t think of leaving the hospital. You should stay


looked towards

Stella immediately became silent.

the Steward Group and my men will pay attention to Armand. You

for the evidence of Armand’s corruption and engagement in bribes and

to worry

moment, Clarence’s phone rang. He took a glance at his phone, “I will go out to answer the


After filling her stomach, she felt

the pillow, lay down on

in sound sleep. He took off his business jacket, lay down beside her pulled her into his arms and landed a kiss on her forehead

days, Stella felt she was almost recovered and

boring and her mind went blank. Right at this moment,

looked up and saw Winnie

bunch of flowers in her arms, Winnie closed the door and took

stunned, “How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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