Every day when Stella called her to eat, she only took two bites of food, and then went back to her room, burying her head under the blanket, trying to isolate herself from the world.


Just as she was silently shedding tears, a childish voice came: "Aunt Elaine, are you asleep already."


Elaine sniffed, wiped the tears from her face and poked her head out, speaking in a nasal voice: "Not yet, what's wrong?"


Noah placed the milk on her bed and spoke in a milky voice, "Mommy said you didn't eat at night and would be hungry, so she asked me to bring you milk."


Elaine looked at the little guy in front of her, he had grown quite a bit since we last saw him, and his features were becoming more and more like Clarence's.


His large eyes are extremely beautiful and resemble Stella.


She sat up slightly, leaned over the bed, and reached out to rub his head, "Thank you."


With that, she lowered her eyes again and said, "I'm sorry for worrying your father and mother."


Without forgetting his mission, Noah retook the warm milk in both hands and handed it to her on tiptoe.


Elaine couldn't refuse such a cute little guy, so she took the cup and reluctantly finished the milk under his eager gaze.


She had just put down the cup when Noah, as if by magic, took out a cupcake from nowhere: "Aunt Elaine, my mom made this by hand, the last one, I grabbed it from my dad."


Elaine sniffed and finally couldn't help but show a smile, "Your dad won't beat you up."


Noah said, "I grabbed it and ran away, he couldn't catch me."


So Elaine, with a certain inexplicable pleasure, gladly ate the cupcake.


The fruit is really delicious.


Noah saw her finish eating, picked up the empty glass, and waved bye-bye to her, "Aunt Elaine good night."


Elaine said, "Good night."


Noah exited the room and stomped towards his mother who was waiting a short distance away.


knelt down to catch him, "Baby, did Aunt Elaine


hand to indicate, "Eaten oh, and


his head and picked up the cup,


and she pressed their faces together, "Good night


"Good night baby,"


the cup downstairs to the kitchen and washed it before returning to the


bedroom, Clarence is standing in front of


waiting for him to finish typing before walking


James family was in turmoil, and Caesar took advantage of the opportunity to rise to the top


"Is it still not


to the death this


Caesar is not hard to


that, she couldn't help but frown, "Who


her: "Worrying so much


did not have a good mood to speak: "Do I want to worry about this, you see Elaine


setbacks since she was


about to say something else


so I'll go tell him a bedtime


back, "No, he can coax


Stella: "......"




spat: "You have no decency all day long, what


fingers gently grazed her lips and whispered, "I'm immodest, where did those three children




finally got out of bed the next


the table and sat down,


little girls sitting on the children's dining chairs, also followed his milk voice vaguely


eyes, which were swollen into walnuts, and squeezed out a small


the porridge in front of him, "It's not even dark,


Clarence secretly, and then asked Elaine, "Elaine, what do you want to eat?


"Drinking porridge


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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