Since Sherry's pregnancy, Daniel has been with her every step of the way, not allowing her to go outside the studio or carry heavy camera equipment.


Sherry had no choice but to let him come.


Under Sherry's guidance, Daniel's photography skills have become increasingly sophisticated and he is fully ready to be a master.


Sherry was also happy to relax and have a snack on the side while Daniel was working for her.


Her camera assistant wiped the lens cap as she lamented, "What made a premier international musician turn to photography, it was love."


Sherry, with one hand on her cheek, looked at Daniel, who was shooting not far away, and the corners of her lips lifted slightly: "I can't help it, I'm too charming."


At this time, a staff member came in the studio and said to her, "Sherry, Stella wants you to come over."


Sherry answered, withdrew her eyes and got up.


She is just four months pregnant, except for the smell of oil and want to vomit, other features are not obvious, the belly is only slightly bulging, wearing loose clothes can not be seen at all.


That is, usually Daniel around, fearing that she bumped and touched, even walking a road to support her, but in fact Sherry feels as light as a swallow, can run and jump.


She pushed open Stella's office: "Stella, you wanted to see me ......" Is something wrong?


Before the last three words could be uttered, they were drowned in the piles of baby items and toys that littered the office.


Sherry took a few more steps back and looked out the door, "This is the right place, huh?"


Stella's voice came in, "Come on in ......"


Sherry looked at the office where she could not find a place to put her feet, and suddenly felt that she was not so light as a swallow ......


Just as she had managed to find a narrow path and was about to cross it, Stella had already crossed a number of hazards to pick her up.


Sherry caught her breath and marveled again, "You're not pregnant again, are you?Clarence




Sherry: "?"


"Who is


as Sherry's words were out of her mouth, a female voice came through: "Yes, this is the place, just put it in. There's nothing left, right? Thank you for


it was Elaine's voice, and before she could make a sound, Elaine had pushed her way through the


her, speaking incredulously, "Did you buy


"Yeah, I'm


I can't use that much


and fell into a pensive mood, buying and buying and not being able to stop,


"The mom-and-pop stores all have to come


that, she looked at Stella, "Why don't you stop her


"Do I look like I can stop her


Sherry," Elaine said as she took her hand, "you pick the ones you like


"Or how


elbow, and then said to Elaine, "For now, go to your executive sister and ask her to contact a moving company


sniffed and immediately


Stella with a sad face: "Daniel also bought


"Let's put it in a pile and wait for some time to free it up. elaine has been depressed for several days, that's why I told her you were pregnant, she


had heard a little bit about Riverside City from Stella the other day, so she didn't refuse anymore, and said after a silent moment, "Shopping really does make


smiled, "Well, go ahead and get some rest, I still have


shook her hand, thanking her profusely and thankfully, "It's a good thing she didn't send it




was very busy all day, going out in the morning to the mall to buy things for Sherry, and after buying things and let the delivery people to Stella's office, delivered to Stella's office, buttocks not yet warm, and then contacted the moving




to dinner as a token of


the hot pot restaurant, probably because she was tired all day, Elaine had a rare appetite and ate more than the previous


juice in his hand and sipping it, and spoke

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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