Winnie finished her dinner in such a happy and lively atmosphere.

During that time, she and Sherry and Stella all drank a little.

After Clarence and Daniel left with the children and went to play in the living room, Sherry asked in a whisper, "Eh, that Flora, according to that momentum today, should be completely shut down by the entertainment industry, right?"

Winnie nodded: "As of now, all of her partner brands, have all been released from their contracts."

Sherry tsked: "That's about right, she really deserves it, she's been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she doesn't know how to restrain a little, if she hadn't run into Clarence this nail, I don't know how long she'd be running amok."

Stella said, "But actually I found that Flora is quite good at dealing with people around her, and it's her talent to be where she is today."

"That's not true, she talks to people, she talks to ghosts, she's very clever." Sherry said, "And she's also very far-sighted. Sherry said, "And she also has a very long-term vision, know in the entertainment industry only by themselves is very difficult to go on, that is not riveted to make friends with those ladies."

Stella said, "Indeed ......"

Sherry asked Winnie again, "So you won't see her online anymore, right?"

Winnie said, "She is not breaking the law, just the moral aspect of the character, now the brand party has terminated the contract, the netizens are also boycotting, but she will come out after a while as long as there are still fans in."

What's more, Flora has been debuting for so many years, there are various interests involved behind her, the capital behind her will not give up on her.

At best, it will be quiet and low-key for a while, and when it passes, it will reappear in the public eye as if nothing had happened.

"Also, her fans are so crazy that to this day they are saying you are the one who is hurting her."

Winnie shrugged and took a sip from her glass, "Whatever, I'm used to it."

Stella looked at Winnie and let out a silent sigh.

Either way, as long as all that talk about Chassell didn't affect her, it was fine.

Sherry picked up her glass: "Enough about the unhappy things, anyway, today is a good day to celebrate, let's toast!"

Stella and Winnie also raised their glasses at the same time: "Cheers!"


Winnie had been drinking and couldn't drive, Sherry said she would let Daniel take her home first, but just as she opened the

remembered that Simon still has to take a shower when he

saying that, she got into the car as fast

stands in

in a hint of heat

window came down and Channing looked over

house behind her, "Aren't

quite late, let's talk about it some other

as the darkness of night enveloped Starry

moment she and Sherry came out, Clarence and Stella took the two little girls to the

said "Oh" and opened the

belt to put it on, but somehow it


to turn her head to debug and see what was going on, the seat

seat belt over and

back in her seat, her eyes fixed on her

alcohol on her and he

"Drank ...... a little with your sister

to her,

his thin lips, do not know what came

two meters in, Channing's voice came, "Wait

have time to react,

eye, Channing turned back, grabbed a soda from the trunk and handed

"thank you" and took a few sips from her water

put on his seat belt: "Let's

were deserted, with only sparse starlight dots in the

the car window, her eyes

at this moment should not be as hot as just now, the air is instead more than

supposed to

said, "You'll get a headache

slowly and

asked Channing, "Are you done with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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