Stella was already sweating after giving the two little girls a bath.

Clarence picked them up one by one: "You go ahead and take a shower, I'll take them to bed."


But the two little girls are now a little sleepy, and more clingy, one deflated mouth after asking for mommy, the other also started.

Two voices, one high and one low, aggravated.

Stella just took two steps and turned back with some unease.

Clarence ignored it and carried them straight outside.

Stella said, "Eh, you be patient, don't make them cry."

"I know."

Clarence carried the two little girls back to their room and bent them over the bed.

"Mom ......"

"Mom~ oooh."

Clarence sat down in front of them and said in a slow voice, "Mommy doesn't have time, Daddy does."

Lala whimpered again, tears falling almost in the blink of an eye.

Clarence gently rubbed her hair, "Well, aren't you sleepy, sleep."

Lele was a little better behaved, just pouting and pointing at something on the bedside table, "Bunny."

Clarence brought the bunnies over and stuffed one in each of their arms, then pulled on the covers, "Go to sleep, Daddy will stay with you."

The two little girls are also really sleepy, hugging the little rabbit grunting for a while, finally fell asleep.

Clarence gets up, gently closes the door and leaves.

When he came back to the room, Stella had just come out from blow-drying her hair.

Clarence walked up to her and lifted a strand of hair: "Not blow-dried again."

Stella exhaled: "It's too hot in there, sweaty and it's basically blown dry, it'll be fine in a while."

She said, walking over to the coffee table and sorting through the gifts Winnie had bought for the three little ones.

"Leave it for tomorrow and let Alisa take

just as well to get these cleaned up

could finish her sentence, she was yanked up by

Stella: "?"

say you were sweating

Stella: "......"

the water

water from

she was also dizzy and let the man do

with great difficulty, Stella

she slowly spoke up,

an eyebrow, "Why else do you think

thought it was because

head and said, "You saw Georgie today, right, I didn't actually have any interaction with her before, and after talking a couple of times today, I felt she was quite hostile to

arms, "Isn't it normal for her to like

paused and suddenly reacted, "that means she


of hers seems

parents when she was a child, was overindulged and loved by those around her, acted in extremes, and wanted what she had to

just a little worried about

eyes and whispered, "Don't worry, Channing won't let her have

"That ......"

on if you can't

shut her


The other side.

the head, the second half of the journey back, Winnie has been dizzy, the world in front of

only close her eyes and sit motionless in the passenger

car drove slowly into

in a

stopped the car, "Here

strength in the feet, the whole person are picking on the

the other side, held her up, and said with amusement,

looked at him with misty eyes, "I just saw that

sentence, Channing leaned down and picked her up by

said, "It's really high, I'll carry you

"You walk slower, I

has really

asked, "Is it better

Winnie nodded breathlessly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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