Chapter 2005

Stella cleared her throat and said, "Trevor, you might have to prepare two Christmas presents for my babies next year."

The other end of the phone immediately fell silent. After a few seconds, Trevor said through gritted teeth, "What a scum! No wonder he was so patient with me! How could he make you go through the pain twice? He's the worst!”

Keegan replied sincerely, "If it's possible, I'd rather be the one going through the pain." "Anyone can run their mouth. Go get it done if you're so honorable!"

Keegan was speechless.

'Well, it seems like this conversation isn't going anywhere,' Keegan thought to himself.

Stella burst out laughing and teased, "When the technology advances, I'll let him bear our third child if he's not too old yet."

her with a helpless expression. Stella was the only person who could make fun of him like that and

twins..." Trevor muttered under his breath and

you two do it?" "Let's wait until we can reveal that Keegan has

Oh, and

was a name he had

he has very

in Mystonia. His grandparents moved abroad very long ago. His

came to Rivera for academic exchange and stayed here for more than three years. That was

during his stay here. However, it has been so many years, and I can barely verify anything. Furthermore, his registered

has quite a tragic fate. Twenty years ago, a gas leak in his house caused an explosion. His

the support of his parents all these years. But after recovering for some time, he was diagnosed with liver

thought of the place he lived in during his younger days and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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