Down A Cobbled Street YILEYNA
The journey through the pass had been uneventful and everyone was beyond surprised at that. The tension had grown as the hours had passed, but I was just relieved that there had not been any attacks. We had reached Bellmead just before sunset the following day and would spend the night at a local inn.
The crew were dealing with mending the minor damage to the ship’s exterior, and those from the Silver Storm pack would spend the night in the inn, whilst half the crew would stay on the ship to make sure no one sneaks aboard.
Theon had made it clear to everyone that no one was to discuss our journey, where we were headed or where we were from. To keep it vague and simply state that we were from Astalion if anyone asked.
The town itself was small, and on every corner, there were people leering at us. Curiosity and suspicion had been clear in their eyes from the moment we stepped off that ship.
Theon had taken the lead, with Charlene and I right behind him, and the others had flanked us. I wish I wasn’t squashed in the middle, curious to observe the little island.
We had ordered some dinner downstairs before we retreated to our rooms to rest and have a proper hot bath.
It was now night, the sounds of violins and a woman singing seeped through the cracks in the window. There was a tavern just across the cobbled street where the music was coming from.
I had napped at first, allowing Madelia and Charlene, with whom I was sharing a room with, to bathe first.
“Can we go to the Tavern?” I asked, tilting my head as I peered through the window, towel drying my hair. “The princess needs to stay here.” Madelia replied, smiling slightly. “You go.” Charlene added with a knowing smile.
I pouted hesitantly.
“I’m sure Commander Theon wouldn’t approve.” Madelia added, after a moment’s pause.
four guards were on duty too, I’m sure if
streets a bit, I’ll make sure to stick to areas that are busy. Fear not, I just want
my head before sliding two small daggers into my boots. I picked up my pouch, putting in some essential items
for a walk. Take care of Charlene.” I said quickly before I
welcomed with a cold breeze. The ground glistened due to the rain from earlier, I could feel a very faint sprinkle still falling
the streets. Peering into the open shops, it was
then the ‘charms’ and items all seemed rather strange or suspicious, so in the end I simply chose a notebook each for Charlene and me. The covers were made of
by the men, most of whom were drunk. This was not a werewolf town, and deep down it was nice
it was the capital, it was still mainly a
The man behind the counter told
I knew he was ripping me off. “Look lady, these things aren’t cheap. That is material made only in the fae kingdoms. Either you take it or-” “That’s fine. I won’t buy them then. Here you go. Thank you for your time.” I replied, placing the diaries down without even
wanted them, I was not paying twenty-eight coins for them!
Three… two…
smirked, schooling my face into innocence before I spun around
“Yes?” ‘
“Ten gold each.”
“It’s fine, I don’t need them.” I smiled innocently, about to turn away again, when he slammed his fist on his table of items, making them all
eighteen for
to make it look like I was
throw in this locket?” He held up a pretty pendant, but it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. However, I had pushed enough, eighteen for both plus the locket was fair, I guess. “Alright then, you’ve robbed me.” I grumbled dramatically, making sure not to let my purse tinkle as I took out eighteen golds. “Now I only have a few silvers left” I
robbed you? You robbed
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!