A Single Tear 


Raiden had told Charlene and me to head below deck soon after that, I didn’t see Theon again. Hours had passed, and when I felt the ship slow and the coldness grow, I knew we had probably reached the pass. “I’m just going to go check on how things are.” I told Charlene, standing up. “You shouldn’t go out there, it’s dangerous.” “I told them to take the pass, I should be up there. There’s a split several miles in, I just want to make sure they know where they are going.” “You told the captain that already.” She protested, clearly not wanting me to go up. “I know, but just in case. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, my queen.” I gave her my best innocent smile, wanting her approval, and after a moment she sighed. “Fine!” She crossed her arms, huffing in annoyance. I winked at her before opening the door, leaving her with the book that she had been reading. “I need a book prince to come to life and keep me company.” Charlene pouted as I was about to shut the door. “Oh? Who’s the charmer in that one?” I asked curiously. “Declan of House Storm. He is perfect, cocky and mocking, yet charming.” Charlene sighed dreamily. 10 “Ah, His Caged Princess.” I smiled before shutting the door and walking down the hall, unable to stop the shiver that ran through me. 6 

Goddess! It was freezing out here. 

I rubbed my arms which were only covered in the thin white cotton of my top. I climbed up onto the deck and looked around. Everyone who was here was silent, so silent that I could hear the water rippling loudly. The few lanterns that were alight didn’t help much against the darkness that enveloped us. A few of the men were holding weapons as they looked out at the looming ice mountains that were beginning to close around us. Madelia and Sam were scanning the surroundings sharply, as if ready to use their powers if needs be. 

I saw Theon standing next to Flynn at the helm, and I walked towards them. The sound of my heels against the floor and the creaking of wood made a few of them glance at me. The silence was deafening, I could hear my own heartbeat. “You should be below deck.” Theon’s cold voice came without even turning towards me. 

“I just wanted to make sure we take the correct turn ahead. There’s two, the other one will be too narrow.” 

“We know that.” Theon replied, his voice suddenly sounding much colder, 

33 A Single lear 

“Ok… great…” I turned, ready to walk away, when I made the mistake of looking into his smouldering eyes 

A wave of pain rushed through me, I hated how I couldn’t live without him, I hated how I wanted his arms around me… his lips on mine. But I also hated how he hurt me with his words, time and again… 

“There’s a morbid story about this area, one I heard took place years ago.” Raiden remarked, coming over and giving me a warm smile. 

“A story?” I asked, curious to hear it before I had to go. 

I watched him scan the area. 

the most haunting tragedies of the sea took place right here. Apparently, a siren single handedly took out all the passengers and crew on

asked sharply,

his jaw. “But it’s hearsay, it isn’t confirmed it was here.”

silent. His back, which was towards us, was rigid as

power.” Cleo responded thoughtfully. “Yes, she must have been from the imperial family then. They say they can control the very sea and even the weather to do their bidding.” Bobbie added, his voice ominous in the

rules the seven seas…” Flynn sighed.

back.” Theon said quietly to Flynn, his voice

strange… I couldn’t stop myself. Even when my legs began carrying me down the path he had just taken with my head screaming at me to stop, I didn’t. He was there, leaning against the side, his head lowered, his back to me. My heart was racing and I wondered what he was thinking, the urge to ask him if everything was ok was on the tip of my lips when he spoke. “What do you want?” I blinked, shaking my head to clear it. I walked over to him, keeping a good three feet between us and leaned against the edge of the boat, tilting my head so I could see his face. “Are you ok? You seem…”


He replied, his eyes meeting mine. My heart skipped a beat and I nodded, looking away first. “Ok..if you say so. Are you worried about the journey? I have a good feeling that we’ll be ok, look we survived a siren attack and a Kraken attack. This is an adventure that one day we can tell others about. You know werewolves prefer land, so there are many who would never have experienced what we have. Adventures to always

a game to you,

not understanding why suddenly anger

come out victorious from.” I replied, feeling tense as if I was taking an exam and one wrong word would result in him getting angry. I hated it, and it only told me that I was right. Avoiding Theon was the smartest thing to do. If I had to be careful around someone like this… then that was a big warning in itself. “Conquests…” He scoffed, his eyes full of contempt as he looked me

I said they were adventures…

through his hair. Something was wrong even if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Ok, if you

I turned back towards him. He was still looking out at the water.


I said to Charlene, it wasn’t right.” He replied, glancing up at the towering mountains. My eyes widened in surprise, I wasn’t expecting that from him. I remained silent. If he wanted to apologise, then I wasn’t going

justify what I said, but my intention

dangerously sexy eyes on me as he advanced. “To hurt her.”

sighed, shaking my head. “Hurting Charlene, hurts me, just the way attacking me would upset her. So directly or

A Single

meant to. 

needed him to move back but I wasn’t going to move and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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