Avery’s pov

As Xade pulled up in front of the dorm building, I turned to face him and gave him a shy smile. “Thanks for the ride,” I said while reaching for the door handle but his fingers wrap gently around my upper arm and stopped me in my tracks.

I spin to face him, my brows furrowing. “You forgot something.” a teasing little smile draws charmingly on his lips.

His lips connect with mine before I could finish my words, causing a bloom of warmth to spread throughout my body and my heart to flutter. His lips are soft and gentle against mine, as if he’s savoring the taste of me like I am doing him.

But all too soon the kiss ends, leaving me breathless and wanting so much more. My eyes flickering open to meet his eyes which were swirling with yearning and love. He pinched my chin softly, his thumb brushing my lower lip. “I love you Avery.”

My breath hitches. I don’t think I will get used to him saying those words too. His eyes flicker from my tingling lips to my eyes as he whispered.” You don’t have to say it back yet. I’ll wait.”

I shook my head, because I do in fact love Xade, always have and it was about time I admit those words I had been hiding from him for years. But something holds me from saying them. Perhaps fear of him not actually meaning his.

Admittedly there is still a nagging feeling of this being unreal and just a passing thing for Xade. I trusted him more than anyone, but that doesn’t mean I can sweep the knowing feeling of him being a player

his eyes as he stared at me. “Go inside before I keep you

knowing I hurt him by not saying anything But I can’t bring myself to say anything yet. I grab my bag and get ready to leave but he once again stops

truth and yearning, his eyes

to say I love you yet because of fear,

up and he had a boyish grin that brought me back to our younger days when we gave a bit of trouble. I

will this

“I mean, there’s no rush.” he blabbered on, looking so adorable that makes me smile once more and giggle and I

“I know,” I whispered.

touch, sighing. “Go now before I really do kidnap

my hand, but he grasp it and brought it back. “One more kiss?” his eyes gleaming with mischief. I giggled softly and nod, leaning in to brush my lips against

want to pull away either. “God, I’m so addicted

“I should go,”

me this time when I opened the door and ut. I waved at him one last

arms are folded across my chest as I make my way to the dorm. room when the judgemental stares pin me down as I walk by. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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