Avery’s pov

His scent was the first thing that hit me like a blow to the face. Even though he had just got out of a match and was sweaty, he still smelled like spice and something else that was soothing.

And then his heat. It brushed up against me, making me shiver. He was really close. So close and I could touch him in seconds. And his eyes…those blues trapped me like the ocean.

I shyly looked at him under my lashes, my skin buzzing while my heart thrummed. “And you shouldn’t be in here. This is the girl’s bathroom.” I pointed at the stalls with a jerk of my thumb.

His lips quirk and he surprised me when he took a step forward which resulted in me to take one step back, then another until I was pressing against the sink and he’s pressing against me.

My eyes widen and my breath hitch. “X-ade,” I shivered, feeling like some kind of electricity was zapping around us.

He freezes, his eyes staring down at me with a mixture of surprise and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on since he again startles me when his head dip to snuggle between my head and shoulder, his hand grabbing a hold of my hip.

I should be fearing right now, a stranger, a guy I barely knew was touching me. But I can’t find it in me to push him away or feel gross. There was something about him, something about Xade that pull me in and crave more.

“Say it again,” he said hoarsely, his voice so deep a shiver runs down my spine.

I gripped his arm, shuddering when I felt him pressing against my stomach. I should feel alarmed, I should be running for the hills right now. But I can’t explain the exact opposite of the feeling I am swimming with now.

Instead I am very and I mean very aware of the sleek heat between my legs that were quickly dampening my panties.

straight to the spot between my legs. I gasp, my nails digging into his skin. Does he know that

again,” he

hoarse than it had

brush along my neck and his grip became

on your tongue is maddening,” he groaned, hips pushing forward. “You have no idea

jello. “You really shouldn’t have come here Avery,” the

skin, my pulse where my heart had been pumping so quickly. His lips are warm and the tip of his nose is a bit cold. He draws in

groaned, his lips touching, tasting my skin. I’m shivering,

normally how someone would feel when a stranger is pressed up against them. When the

This is…in his words…maddening.

to stay away,” he continued, his lips opening and I gasp when I

chest heaving as I press it against his. Can he feel my nipples? It felt so

are you?” I asked breathily when he doesn’t respond but only tightens

Why does he seem familiar? Why am I not repulsed? Why do I want him so

lips back on my neck, his tongue tasting my skin. His eyes bore into

should stay away from,” he uttered emotionlessly and pulls away, taking about five steps back and running a shaky hand through his hair. The tresses stick up wildly and I want to run my own

practically purring on my neck. Now he wants me

I voiced out, my brows furrowing. “You were touching me, begging me to say your name yet…you want me

a dent in the surface. ” You should really not be so close to a stranger Avery. I could be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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