Avery’s pov

Fingers dig into my neck, the pressure causing me to wince. There was a weight on top of me, hot breath against my skin and I gagged. I can’t see who, but I can feel the assault.

I reach up, crying as I try to grasp the invisible hand choking me. But I’m grasping air and I can’t get a good grip on anything other than my own skin.

My mind goes hazy and the air in my lungs feels trapped.

“Please,” I try to cry out but a sudden pressure pushes against my mouth, sealing my words inside my mouth.



I gasped out of the dream, my heart thrumming against my chest. It’s painful and even pulling air into my lungs seems as if it is a chore. My hands shook, clutching the sheets as if it was my anchor back to reality.

I can hear my name being called again, and flinched when hands grasp my shoulders. “Avery!”

Melissa. Her loud screech pulled me out of the fog that grazed my vision and I blinked, surprised to see her hovering over me concerned. It’s been two days since the boxing match and Melissa had been giving me to cold shoulder when she noticed Xade coming out of the bathroom after me.

So seeing her concerned for me right now was a bit startling. “I think you were having that nightmare again. You were crying and thrashing about.” She sighed, pulling back to sit at the edge of the bed.

of my sweat. I shifted, frowning as my fingers shook

I wake you?” My voice croaked and I cleared it, looking around the

to class right now. I just needed some fresh air. I toss the sheets off my body and get off the bed. Melissa eyes me. “No, you hadn’t.

perfume coming from her. I nod, moving my sweaty hair off my face. “Where

“Need some cool air. A

only a few minutes left until it ends. Melissa nods.

a glance and smiled to ease the awkwardness. “I just want to get my

“It’s fine. I have to get ready for a date anyway, need to

ignoring her as I slipped on my shoes. Then her next words made

She grinned. “Looks

floor, my fingers pinching the lace of the shoes. I want to throttle her. Many scenarios with me strangling her flutter in my head

blankly. “You did. And I’m not surprised. Guys tend to go for casier ones anyway.” I straightened, not caring that I was being

will be satisfied with

know I was being extremely rude, and had just called her a whore basically. I can already hear the moral police, those who modernized sluts, chewing down my neck. *Fake gasp* She

*inward eye roll*

I am angry right now, and jealous

felt like hours. I must look weird, especially with the

door. The sign sticking on the wooden door was an old, barely visible paper with GYM written on it. My belly does odd flips. I’m not sure why I am here. Why I even thought this was

told me to stay away from him. And I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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