Avery’s pov

His blue eyes pierced through me across the in a way that made me tingle. I bit my lowe Oom, causing my body to stir lip, rolling it between my teeth as I studied him just as intensely as he was studying me.

He’s breathing is hasty, the rise and fall of his chest captivating me. The gleam of sweat on his skin, the way his muscles look so toned.

He lift his hand and wipe the sweat off his brow, his blue eyes peering into my soul. “What are you doing here?”

I swallowed, my fingers shaking a tad bit. I interlocked them, fiddling so he’d not notice my reaction. “I-

I looked around the gym. There wasn’t anyone else but him here. But still, I didn’t want him to know I came all this way on foot, looking like a hot mess because I craved to see him. I needed an excuse, something that will not make me seem so….desiring of him.

“I-I swallowed and brought my eyes back to him. “I came here to sign up.” I cleared my throat and tried to straighten my shoulders to seem as though I was not trembling inwardly by having his eyes on me.

A sleek brow rise and I see the flicker of the beginning of amusement in his eyes. “Sign up?”

I lift my chin, making a little humph sound. “Yes. To sign up. I want to learn boxing.”

This sounded ridiculous even to my own ears. But come to think of it, it sounds good. Maybe I will sign up and learn. Those nightmares that have been plaguing my mind every time I close my eyes have made me restless and feel weak.

I no longer want to feel weak.

He tested each word slowly on his tongue, frowning as if he could

frowned. “What is with you and repeating my words?” I voiced and nod. “Yes, I said I want to learn how

a heat stroke over my flesh wherever his eyes touched. I crossed my arms, trying to stop from feeling an ounce of

skipped class to come here just to sign up for boxing?” That one arched

been skipping class a lot lately and I haven’t questioned you about it.”

eyes twinkled and he let out a small chuckle. “Someone’s been

is asking too many unnecessary questions. Now,” I looked around the gym. “Will you teach me or

his eyes

glared at his sweaty strong back. “I want to learn Xade! This

part of stay away from me

My heart squeezed yet I don’t back down, not wanting to be humiliated. “Because I don’t understand! Goddammit Xade! I don’t know why I am supposed to stay away

I am standing in front of him,

at me. It’s like he knows every deep dark secret of mine,

for it to dwindle when he


no longer comforting me, but freezing me to death. My hands ball into tight fists at

gritting as I shoot arrows of anger toward his stiff back. “Fine,” I breathed out angrily, looking around the room. “I’m sure there

now darker than before, more irritated. “Go Avery,” he said as a warning under his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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