Avery’s pov

The bile burns my throat as I retch into the sink, the rancid taste and smell alone makes me vomit even more.

Tears burn in my eyes as I grab the counter, my knees feeling weak. I opened the faucet, shaking as I spit out the horrid taste that lingered in my mouth.

“Last night,” Melissa voice reaches me as she leaned against the doorframe. “Did you fuck him?”

I looked over at her in surprise. “What?”

She steps into the bathroom, her eyes glancing down at the sink bowl in disgust. “Better question is….have you been fucking?”

My brows furrowed and I glared. “What the hell Melissa? I’m here barfing my guts out and you’re asking me if I’m fucking or not?” I spat, cupping my hand under the running pipe and pushing the water in my mouth to rinse.

“Well it’s two days in a row you’ve been throwing up, and you’ve been eating like a cow for a week. It could be stress…” she snorted. “Or could be-

I straightened, turning to scowl at her. “Not that it’s any of your business but I am not fucking anyone.”

cleaning her nails and looking unbothered. “I’m just

me? Are you sure about that? Drop the friendly

gasp, lifting her hand to press against her chest. “Ouch. You’ve been bitchy too. Wouldn’t surprise me if

have some breath mints in my drawer if you want some.” Her words

still echoed in my head but I try my best to ignore them. It’s not like what she said could possibly be true.

had slept with anyone, my temples begin to throb

took in a deep breath, my head spinning and I gripped the countertop harder, scared that I’d fall. As my eyes clench

smooth skin. Groans of pleasure under me.

as quick as the flash came, it was gone, leaving me bewildered. I opened my eyes, catching my reflection in the mirror.


be possible. I must be

feel so real? His lips on mine, whispering my name in a breathy

once more and opened the faucet, splashing water on my face. This was impossible, this brief flash of whatever that pushed into my head.

rise on my skin as I hear an echo of his voice brushing my ears. I bit into my lower lip, my fingers

or two ago. My mind was so consumed with everything other than studies that couldn’t even remember how many days or weeks I knew

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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