Xade’s pov

Dad flinches at my threat, his eyes softening into one of despair, his gaze glancing from mom to me, before he begins slowly. “Wolfsbane. The yellow one, you have to consume it.”

The yellow wolfsbane is forbidden to consume since it is, even more, deadlier than the normal one. This makes it rarer to find since the council made it their mission to kill any they have come across so our enemies won’t use it against us.

“Where can I get it?” I asked tightly with urgency. I didn’t care about the risk of consuming it or that it was forbidden to consume.

Dad looked at Xaden and then back at me. ” I don’t know. It’s not an easy plant to come across.

My jaw hurt from how much I gritted it. ” Then how did your sister come across it?” I asked sarcastically. She must have found it somewhere.

His jaw set. ” My sister was mated with a werewolf hunter who had these plants grown in their greenhouse-

Suddenly the door opens again. ” There’s a-

Kaylee stops, face reddening as she notices my naked state and turns around abruptly. “I’m sorry-

“It’s fine.” I cut in, more eager to know what she was about to say even though she interrupted us. What did you come here for?”

Kaylee’s back is still facing me thankfully as she continues.” There’s a

How do we know we can trust you?” Dad cuts in sharply. rogue.”

་་ You’re a

Watch it,” he warns dad who looks at him sharply, studying him before his eyes widen

lets out a strained breath and continues. ”

clapping sound echoes down the hall. ” Bravo little rogue,” Henry chuckle, his voice nearing. “Do you know if any of the

part of the council. He would never

now also realizing that we had a council member in our midst. ” Oh don’t look so scared girl, did you forget who saved you?”


on me. must really be special.” For once his voice wasn’t mocking or taunting, instead, it was filled with intrigue. ” Are you really willing to lose your wolf for her life? Willing to have the risk of your

losing their human soul to their wolf which made

still waiting for your response Kaylee. Did any of the plants survive?” he questioned her, turning his

before he burnt them all down,” her confession made the entire room tense as we all wondered why she went

you save it?” Xaden

shaking at her sides before she finally admitted. “I planned

think any of us expected her answer, especially Xaden whose eyes widen. But before we can question her any further she continues. “I remember where I hid it and I can bring you to it if

“I’ll go,”

me. ” You’ll

brother. Kaylee turns

spotting you. You’d have me hanged for this girl and I like my neck very much.


frowned. “I must come along or he won’t let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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