Xade’s pov

The color was unnaturally black, a sight that chilled me to the bone. No,” I whispered, my voice more shaky than it had ever been before. A shiver of fear run down my spine, taunting me.

My Avery. My V. What was happening?

” Another symptom of her body fighting your wolf’s essence,” Dad whispered. His words had me grabbing Avery tighter, now so scared to let her go. I can’t let her go. ”

We have to do something,” Mom suddenly said in one breath, her face pale with worry and her eyes a dead giveaway that she knew more than she was letting on, especially when those eyes met Dad’s.

“What are you not saying?!” I snarled, my beast stirring. Our mate was dying and they were holding secrets at this time.

Mom’s eyes plead with Dad’s. “Xadeon,” she whispered urgently, pleading with him to say whatever they were holding onto. Dad’s jaw tightened, his eyes moving from hers, his posture stiffening as though he was having a battle in his head.

The sight makes me furious. They were indeed hiding something.

could save Avery. In a flash I am up, gripping Dad’s neck with my hands, my gaze clouded with rage and

He doesn’t fight it.

Mom gasped. ” Xade!”

laser focused on my father. I narrowed my eyes sharply. “Tell me what you know.” I ground out every word, my beast pushing through. The growls that came

as he gripped my wrist hard, his jaw set tight. ” Xade,” he

alpha power pushes forward even more I don’t let go. I grit my teeth, hardening my stance so the weight of his alpha essence won’t make

Rage. Frustration. So

because for a second I let myself get a spark of hope, only for that little flicker to be blown out

tell me what he knew. Why was he keeping it from my knowledge? He loves Avery

stop!” Mom cried but her cries fell on deaf

the mere force. The taste of blood filled my mouth, and I spat it out,

to separate the two of us. But I won’t let

pull me away, but my anger alone made me mad enough to surpass

Do you think she’d want you to do this?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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