Xaden’s pov

“Oh,” Kaylee utters when I put the hat on her head, looking over her shoulder at me shyly. “Sorry, but this is the only disguise I can think of on such short notice.” I cringed, closing the door behind me.

She fixes it on her head, pushing it lower and dropping her head to avoid anyone seeing her face properly. She nearly walks into a wall. I chuckle, reaching out to grab her. Tingles ablaze from our skin contact and her cheeks instantly flush.

You may need to hold me if you want to come back here without bruises.” I joked, leading her. What she doesn’t know is that inwardly my wolf is wagging his tail happily that I get to hold her.

Oh-al-right,” she stammers shyly, instinctively pushing closer to me, her cheeks flushing prettily. When we were outside, I led her to Xade’s car which I will be using for our journey. Settling in the seat, Kaylee looks at the seat belt confused.

I frowned, leaning across her which made me breathe in her alluring sweet scent. She smelt of wildflowers and vanilla. A sweet combination that made my mouth water. I lingered there a bit, breathing in her scent until my lungs were filled with her.

But then I noticed her stiff body and decided that perhaps I should slow down. ” Here you go,” I told her gently as I secured the seatbelt around her.” My voice betrayed the hint of desire in it and I hope she hadn’t caught the emotion.

her smile reaching her eyes. My wolf stirred restlessly and I quickly close the door, trying to compose myself. I see why it was so hard for

had stirred. But it is difficult with Kaylee being so close. Her scent alone had my senses

head, she didn’t know being this close to her was

I understand him to a

her throat, her hand quickly

fear of cars?” I asked her softly,

face. “This

door. I was tempted to

breaks the silence after a long pause, her words making my stomach feel heavy. “I was

my rage toward the bastard of her dad grew even more. Henry had let Xade and I in on a bit of the backstory about her dad, and honestly

forms in my throat when I notice the pain etched in her pretty features. I want to reach out and rub those frown lines

with her fingers on her lap. ” It’s okay,” she smiles sadly. He’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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