Xaden’s pov

Her touch ignited a warmth that spread from where her hand touched mine to every corner of my very being. We were not mated yet and she was causing such strong emotions within me….I can’t imagine the feelings we both will feel when we do get mated.

I looked back at the road, having a stupid goofy smile on my face. You need to give me directions to that warehouse-

‘The mark is healing!’ Dad pushed in my head, his voice sounding relieved.

His sudden revelation made me widen my eyes in shock thus making me swerve the car to the side a little. Kaylee retracts her hand to grasp the door in fear and I winced, murmuring an apology to her. “I’m sorry about that.”

Are we in the clear now? How is she? How is Xade?’ I questioned quickly, uncertain if to turn the car back around and return to the penthouse.

They both seem alright. Both resting now. But,’ Dad stopped and then continued. ‘Henry thinks the reason for her sudden healing is because the baby is sharing its essence with her. In other words, the baby is turning her into one of us.’

life. I cringe, apologizing once more.

happy that Avery was going to be okay. However what could that mean for her now that she would be a werewolf? Could she handle this

it will explain why she is suddenly adapting to Xade’s mark and is healing

her since this isn’t heard of,’ I stated. ‘ What about

it and bring it back here. We can’t have it fall into the wrong hands, you never

though he couldn’t see me and step on the gas. ” Need those directions now pretty,” I glanced at Kaylee, watching her pretty cheeks turn

her fingers twirling nervously on her lap even more. The corners of my lips lift as I fight off the smile. ” Right. Take the next left.” she continues to show me the directions, her eyes staring

was like a kid who just got her favorite

a brow,

Are you okay?” I

She coughs, fixing herself. I raised

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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