Avery’s pov

Henry growled, his head shooting up, and then let out a snarl, his eyes spearing to the left then he takes off in that direction. Xade slows down so Xaden can return ahead and Xaden follows Henry, Xade, and Kaylee right behind him.

The forest kind of felt alive in the moment, every rustle had me tensing and looking around sharply. We were being hunted so it would be best to keep on the lookout. My stomach twisted and I bit my tongue as I began to feel nauseous.

We move deeper into the forest but something still felt off and my hunch was right when many dark figures suddenly emerge out of the bushes, surrounding us. Henry slowed causing Xaden to slow and the rest to follow suit.

We were surrounded.

My heart raced and my palms starts to sweat, getting clammy as I clutch Xade’s fur. One of the figures up ahead aims their bow and arrow our way and the others follow on rise in alert and I let or command. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck a shaky breath.

Was this it?

there no

Was this really it?

off Xade’s back. My heart slams in my chest as I try to reach out to hold my incoming painful fall, but

and I looked at Xade’s beast, his eyes already watching me, silently telling me to trust them. I nod, clutching Kaylee’s coppery fur as she moves with me behind Xade while Xaden moves to the right

were circling around Kaylee to protect

black begin to close in. And then the one at the front yells loud.

his full intimidating height, baring his sharp teeth. Surrender or we kill all of you!” The loud voice belongs to a man and despite his command, his tone shook a bit with what I detected as

around in terror. There were many of them, more than

as if to remind us that we

forward, head on, his huge beast pouncing on the first figure his jaws could get. The rest followed, except for Kaylee

throat and I am terrified not for me but for Xade

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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