Avery’s pov

With me on Xade’s back clutching his fur and Kaylee on Xaden’s we move through the forest. Hours seem to pass in a blur and thankfully we encountered no other hunter on the way. I scan around, up ahead there’s a road and my heart leaps.

It’s a familiar road. We’re home.

“We’re home,” I whisper shakily, my heart thrumming against my chest happily. We made it. Xade and Xaden’s pace quickens.

My heart jumps in my throat as we draw near and more than fifteen wolves emerge out of the trees. You’d think that them being huge I would have spotted them earlier, but they

la plata with the trees show and it

was near impossible to have spotted them soon.

under me and I stiffen. Were they enemies?

Mich statell if the

forward and shifts into his human form I instantly recognize him as Logan who had been Xadeon long

Xaden and Xade.


worried that you all didn’t make it,” he admitted, eyes shifting to Kaylee who legs had healed but Xaden had refused to let her down. I think he quite

blonde brow raise in

and has Kaylee slide off. He quickly shifts in his human form and stands before her protectively when some of

Xaden gritted. ” She’s

Xade and

growls low and I believe it was his response because Logan nods, smiling at me and waving as Xade passes him. “Nice to see you Avery!” he yells after me and I embarrassingly wave at him, a bit awkward that this grown man who I have known for years is

promises as Kaylee hides behind him. I waved at her, my eyes softening to tell her to trust Xaden that he’d never make anyone hurt her. She smiles shyly and nods and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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