Xade’s pov

The sight of his pale flesh sent a sharp cold wave of dread to settle in my stomach. My heart begins to pound in my chest as the air thickens with anticipation and fear.

I took a step forward, my gaze drifting from the man to behind him where I can see a bit of Avery on the bed. ” What is wrong?” I demanded, moving over, my heart beating painfully in my chest.

He squirmed under my gaze and took a quick look behind him at Avery. Doctor?” I grind out, impatience on my tongue. I want to reach out and grab his neck, squeeze the words out of his mouth by force.

But I do not and instead, I clench my fists at my sides and force myself to remain calm not for me but for Avery’s sake. The doctor’s hesitation made my blood run ice-cold and I could feel the panic rising like a harsh wave.

If I do not get a response soon I just might drown and take him with me.

The more he remains quiet the more he wastes my time

I urged him to respond, making my voice lace with a bit of my alpha

his eyes to me and what I saw in their depths made my heart stop beating altogether. “There has

to finish before I push past him and rush to Avery’s small figure. My breath staggered when I saw her teary eyes already staring at me, pain swimming in those pretty orbs. The next I notice is her hands fisting the sheets

captured my attention right away, it’s the sharp claws digging through the material. My heart pounds against

beside the bed, reaching out to touch

the doctor says behind me, his

trigger is overwhelming her human body,” he finishes, making me turn to give him a what

Explain further,” I demanded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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