Xade’s pov

Each word from his mouth felt like a punch to the gut. I turned back to Avery, looking at her desperately as though this was some sort of horrible nightmare I could wake up from. Everything was crashing down around us.

But seeing her eyes, the way they glistened with pain and something else. Something I also feel. Fear. I knew this was not a nightmare but our sick twisted reality.

“How did this happen?” I growled, taking out my anger on the smaller man who cowered and took several steps away from me.

I could feel my own control slipping as a painful hiccup cry sound pushes out of her mouth. My gaze softens on hers. My poor baby.


were we doomed to suffer this much when we both only to love each

tone. “It appears that it was triggered by the stress of everything going on. At least that is what I can tell for now. And combined with the fact that she’s


process before it kills her human soul.

stare at him, my

mean you cannot do it here?” I hissed, my wolf pacing in my head.” Where else could

my father for silent help. “There is not enough equipment available here to keep her steady

risky,” dad cuts in sharply. “We can’t risk her being out now. They’re onto us, they know where she is. Even though we are well guarded, we can’t risk her exposure. We can wait it out until night if

surface. “I won’t have her suffer here any longer. I will take whatever

now not only Alister on our ass but the most powerful hunter group. We are a huge pack,

Avery was too important to me for me to not risk everything I have for her. I couldn’t risk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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