Chapter 416 A Deal

Felix and Tyler had been engaged in a conversation with Freya for quite some time. So, gradually, their guard began to lower.

“Miss Kaufmann, you are behaving just like Marie-Antoinette. As a top medical professor, you naturally have access to any funding you desire. Moreover, you hail from a wealthy and influential family. However, the situation is vastly different for us. Our families are not financially well-off, and the medical funding we receive is solely for research purposes. We cannot utilize it to improve our living conditions.”

Meanwhile, Freya felt utterly disgusted by their desire to use official medical funding to enhance their living standards. How could they even entertain such thoughts?

They even had the gall to look wronged.

Tyler, who was standing beside them, also played up his resignation regarding his circumstances. “Miss Kaufmann, you do not understand the difficulties we have faced. Besides, you should know that being a medical student is not an easy life. Plus, you have to understand that our decision to pursue a Ph.D. and engage in post-doctoral research only added to our burden. So, even though we’ve finally become professors after years of hard work, we aren’t exactly overflowing with money.”

Freya had to fight down a disdainful sneer. If they had developed any useful drugs, they would have received substantial subsidies and bonuses from the government.

In the end, greed was just another facet of humanity.

“So, is this Icy Sea business profitable?” She had an interested gleam in her eyes as if she was genuinely interested in the matter.

The two of them brightened upon hearing her inquiry, wrongly a*suming that she was also intrigued by such an easy business opportunity.

So, they exchanged a discrete glance before Felix leaned closer and lowered his voice, saying conspiratorially, “Miss Kaufmann, haven’t you heard the saying? The most profitable ventures are often those that are prohibited by law. Since you are not familiar with this industry, you are unaware of the immense profits involved.”

“Are the profits truly that substantial?” She pretended to be highly interested.

Felix chuckled. “Perhaps not in Florin, but this is Kundin. In Kundin, as long as you possess the necessary skills, many influential figures will approach you with money. In fact, it gets better. The money would keep coming because people like us are highly sought after. Plus, there’s even incentive when we get our commissions done.”

Tyler chimed in, “Miss Kaufmann, I am not exaggerating when I say that the money we earn here in a single day is more than what many people earn in their entire lifetime!”

Freya’s eyes turned cold. Yes, but this money is obtained at the expense of other people’s lives and well-being! They are shamelessly at ease with money stained with blood and tears!

She inhaled deeply as she wore a hesitant expression on her face.

Felix sensed that Freya was tempted by such a prospect, so he whispered, “Miss Kaufmann, why don’t we make a deal? If you help the two of us escape, we will undoubtedly connect you with our buyers. You are the world’s top medical scientist. So, I am a 100% certain that you can come up with something even more remarkable than the Icy Sea! Together, we will be an unstoppable force!”

still regarding Freya with caution.

pursed her lips, seemingly lost in thought. In reality, she was utterly disgusted by

by the surveillance cameras. Thus, he deliberately got closer to her. As a result, she had a good

murmured, “This will undoubtedly have an impact on my

You will merely be the mastermind behind the scenes. We will be the ones at the forefront. I swear to you, only the three of us will be

could barely contain her contempt at this point. What value does an oath hold when it comes

she did not believe a single word from people like him.


proposition under consideration. However,

supposed to pull that off?” he demanded. Then, after a momentary pause, he quickly came


two individuals are quite wealthy indeed.

they smiled, clearly pleased with themselves. “Miss Kaufmann, I meant five billion.”

heart skipped a beat, and her gaze turned cold.

ruined for them to fork out five billion so easily? These two individuals truly deserve severe

to produce it at the moment, I suggest you give me something else. The formula for Icy Sea would do quite nicely.”

two men hesitated when they heard

to sneer. “To be quite frank, there’s no need for to hand it over, especially since it is only a matter of time before I figure out the formula. myself. However, when it

expressions changed slightly when her threat registered their minds.


for a few days, the two of them could already discern her position in this horrid

she appeared to be held against her will and made to treat others, that terrifying man also had his hands tied as long as he desired her services. Therefore, he wouldn’t dare to do anything that would potentially jeopardize

Kaufmann held any grievances against the two of them, that man would undoubtedly eliminate them.

of the underworld, they had long developed the ability

said, “Alright! I will write it for

no need for that. Just tell me the components of the drug.

her to narrow her eyes in contemplation. After such a merry chase, she finally had

drugs on the market, along with some additional ingredients, to create Icy Sea.


Felix was done spilling the beans, he looked at her and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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