Chapter 445 The Livestream

Since it was the weekend, the Monaghan Group and Wonder Aroma weren’t open for business, which allowed Freya to have a rare day off to do whatever she wanted. So, now that her busy schedule was completely workfree, she spent the day playing chess with Sylvia and Isabella.

Isabella, who was pregnant, decided to stay at home as it wasn’t recommended for her to tax her body and enjoy a game of chess with Sylvia, the matriarch of the Parker family. Suffice it to say, all three of them had significantly improved their skills after playing several games.

Unfortunately, Freya lost miserably in every single game and ended up leaving with a dejected heart. So, she eventually retreated to her live stream room located on the first floor.

A few days ago, she informed her fans on Twitter that she would be hosting a beauty and wellness livestream that day.

As she stood in the room designated for the live broadcast, Freya began by preparing the cosmetics items. she would be using for her stream. Once she was done with her preparations, her gaze fell upon the pile of equipment she had left in a random corner.

Fortunately, the ever-diligent Edward had covered all the equipment with cloth before he left to any dust from settling on the equipment after the last live stream.


Freya’s mind started wandering as she stared at the white sheet. It was as if she could see Edward’s busy figure right before her.

“Frea, let me help you tidy up.”

“Frea, the lighting is all set.”

She allowed herself a few more moments of reprieve before sighing softly and walking over.

Edward had adjusted the DSLR camera used for the live stream and fixed it on the tripod. So, she only needed to make some slight adjustments, and it was ready to go.

Then, she couldn’t help but feel her initially bright demeanor begin to dim as she carefully positioned several fill lights.

Nonetheless, she still made herself comfortable by the table and opened the live stream software.

Once she was certain that she had regained her composure, she clicked on the start button.

Since she had already notified her followers on Twitter about this event, the live stream room quickly filled up with viewers as soon as it opened.

Freya smiled at the screen and greeted them.

Today, Edward was absent. So, there was no one managing the live stream room. As a result, several bots who came into the session just to leave spam advertisements were left unattended.

She simply smiled and ignored those comments before saying, “It’s been a while since my last livestream. I had to take a break due to personal reasons. I hope my absence hasn’t caused my fans any worry”

The comment section of the live stream quickly became lively.



is the handsome assistant?’

Did he take

swiftly returned. She truly

stream room after this,” she explained with

comment section erupted.


his studies. I heard he’s a top student at Evergreen University. It’s unlikely for him to continue

afraid all I know is that he’s tending to some personal matters. Let’s not dwell on it and focus on the makeup

her gaze as she introduced the makeup look she would be teaching, causing

pace in the live stream room, many viewers were still wondering where

gloss she would be using

commented, ‘Edward Fraser is dead.

responses that followed. Regardless, she recognized the individual using that username as they had sent her a generous gift

many viewers in the live stream room

stop spreading

even jokes shouldn’t go this far!”

hands tightly, feeling a chill running down her spine. She stared intently

Since she had done the stream for charity purposes, she had to jot down just who had participated. That was the first time she met Strategist as she recalled as clear as day that

the name Strategist represented. By the time she realized that such a person existed in

it was hard for her to remember one person if

curiosity and clicked on Strategist’s profile. There was only a




no doubt that this person was Jamie

were staring at her from the other end. Edward

private message, ‘Where

other end. Before she could decide on whether she should shoot him another text, she saw Strategist’s name


condemning Strategist for his terrible words. Although Freya was in the know that the man wasn’t lying, she still had to go about her business. So, she smiled. through her pain and tried to focus on the makeup session that she had promised her

9 p.m. Before she ended the stream, she also didn’t forget to promise the viewers

stream while holding onto the makeup

that her file was sent, she immediately video-called

Inken appeared on the screen with neatly combed short hair, looking clean and tidy, albeit with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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