Chapter 113 The Art of Goading Braxton

After spending almost the entire day at the company, at about 530 p.m., Freya drove to Evergreen


It was the weekend, and she was going to do her weekly live stream.

+ 15 Bonus

When she arrived at Evergreen University, Edward was already waiting at the gate. He immediately got into the car when Freya pulled up.

During the drive back home. Freya noticed that he seemed a bit down.

“Edward, how’s school been lately?”

Previously, the students at Evergreen University had been spreading rumors about Edward being her gigolo.

So. Freya felt a bit guilty. “I heard about what happened before. People were spreading rumors about us at school. I’ll clarify it during my live broadcast tonight.”

Edward immediately reacted. “Frea, don’t listen to those people’s nonsense! I didn’t take it to heart.”

With a smile. Freya commented, “You’re still young and don’t have a girlfriend yet. Those rumors are bad for your reputation.”

“It’s okay. It’s just that the hospital called. They told me that Jamie’s condition isn’t looking good” Edward lowered his head. Gloom crept up his handsome face.

Hearing that, Freya frowned. She had read Jamie’s medical record and knew that further observation was needed before the surgery could be performed.

If Jamie’s condition got worse now, he might not be able to have the surgery.

“Don’t worry, Edward. I know a great doctor. If your brother’s condition is serious, I can ask her to perform the surgery. No matter what, there’s always hope.” Freya comforted him.

“I know, Frea.”

Back at the Kaufmann Residence, Freya started the live broadcast and clarified her relationship with Edward.

While applying her makeup, Freya stated, “My assistant is a talented student majoring in photography at Evergreen University. I see him as a little brother.

“However, there have been some rumors going around lately, so I’d like to ask everyone to stop spreading them. Just for the record, Eddie is much younger than me.”

As Freya spoke calmly, comments began to roll on the screen.

“Who’s so bored as to spread a nonsense rumor like this!”

Eddie is still in college. Let’s try to avoid shipping them or fantasizing about him!

assistant, Edward had an account on Twitter and had also appeared on her live broadcast a few times. The audience

Before, Freya hadn’t been bothered to deal with it, but now that it was affecting Edward, she couldn’t ignore it anymore.

continued to broadcast, a notification on the screen took

champagne roses to DiligentFrey’

live broadcast room. Freya thanked her contributor as

Matt Majesty, Sparkling Sorceress, and HumblePath

about beauty, healthy lifestyles, and skincare for a while. now. Hence, she also gradually grew close with her viewers.

a get-together sometime, shall we? SparklingSorceress, HumblePath, and Mr. MonDa, are you guys also in Caltun?”

fell silent at

an eyebrow but didn’t mind

was MattMajesty who responded instead. ‘Sure,

sneered. “You can hold your own gathering, Matthew.”

live broadcast was over in the evening, Freya drove Edward back

enter the gate, she sat in the car and called Ethan, the

Griffiths, how is Jamie’s

of calling you. Jamie has been in a coma for too long, and his physical condition has deteriorated a lot recently. The main issue is the


up the phone, Fre

was an ordinary black business car parked not far behind

her gaze at it, she vaguely recalled seeing it earlier

all, someone on the dark web had taken on the

Freya was almost certain

back home, occasionally checking the

car followed her at a distance until u left as she approached the Kaufmann Residence.

somewhat surprised. It didn’t seem like

following and

the car’s plate number before driving into

her car and went


sitting in the living room, answering a call from

“Yeah, I know.”

+15 Bonus

of his surly look, Freya thought of something and sat across from him. “Brax, is

Braxton’s aura

of the family, the person who


you two reconciled?”

good restaurants in Vroria because she’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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