Chapter 200 Warm Souls Exist in the World

Rosie got her hands orra phone and struggled to develop a suitable username.

“What’s your user name?” Rosie asked her daughter.

“What’s your name?” Rosie asked her daughter.

“I’m SparklingSorceress, and Grandma also has an account called HumblePath”

After some thought, Rosie entered the username-Top One.

Once she had set it up, she asked Hannah to teach her how to link her bank card.

Kaufmann Residence.

Freya had just finished showcasing a makeup look and was slowly removing it with makeup remover. Suddenly, the screen flashed with silver lights, and Freya initially thought the webpage had a problem. After a closer look, she realized that those were one sports car after another.

“Top One” gifted DiligentFrey 99 sports cars.

Freya was astonished. Even though the Kaufmanns were wealthy, and she had received one billion of pocket money from Uncle Marshall when she returned from Vroria the last time, she would still hesitate to give away such expensive gifts on the live-streaming platform.

The live stream was nearing its end.

Because of all the gifts, it had been pushed to the top trending featured image on the app.

Freya greeted her viewers and friends.

“I’m sorry, everyone. I might only update once a week from now on.”

As she spoke, she gently caressed her belly.

The live chat exploded with excitement.

Is Freya about to give birth?”

‘No worries, take your time. Rest and come back to stream after having the baby. We’re just kidding with you!”

‘Please take care of yourself, Freya!”

Freya’s heart warmed up.

“Don’t worry, everyone.”

She was about to end the live stream when the number-one supporter, “MonDa, entered the live stream with a system prompt.

Freya glanced at it. In the past, she had not thought much about it.

to her on

live-streaming session were meant to be donated to charity. At first, she thought MonDa was just a stranger who wanted to contribute

now, as Freya looked at that username “MonDa,” she fell

chat room was

comes the number-one

‘Hello, Boss!’

streams, Freya had never seen him initiate

everyone, MonDa replied in

erupted with excitement, and Freya

were probably many people named MonDa. It might not

ending the live stream, Freya slumped onto the

felt lazy, as if all energy had

of concern flashed in

should rest early. Don’t lie here; you might catch a cold,” Edward said softly,

“I don’t know what’s been happening, but I’ve been feeling tired lately. Maybe it’s because of


“Let me take you back to Evergreen

was not feeling well, Edward hurriedly declined. “No need, Frea. I can take the

him, but Edward insisted on taking the subway himself, and she didn’t

Two days later.

Caltun General Hospital.

Sylvia accompanied Freya for a

of tests at Caltun General Hospital, it was confirmed that Freya was in good health, and the two of them

smiled. “Don’t worry, Sylvia. It’s normal for Miss Kaufmann to feel sleepy. With the pregnancy progressing, she might experience fatigue occasionally, but there’s no need to worry. Just get plenty

Sylvia nodded in agreement.

and Sylvia


it was just a pregnancy checkup,

nonsense!” Sylvia scolded her

Immediately, Freya behaved obediently.

Ayden, who was driving, turned to look at

why are you getting worried

cares about you, you heartless girl!” Sylvia laughed, feeling much more relaxed now that she knew Freya’s excessive sleepiness was a normal reaction


looked outside and saw Braxton walking away with Ethan

brother was up to. He would

see Braxton and Ethan engaged

piece of

minutes, Braxton finally turned

to be suppressing his excitement, and

car, and Sylvia asked from the back


Freya felt a pang of guilt. She had deceived Braxton, but she did not know whether it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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