My Fated Human Luna Chapter 90

Gabriella POV

Lake is quiet on the drive back to the pack. I can feel his emotions through our bond. His sadness, confusion, and fear are overwhelming. My heart breaks for my mate in this moment. Even though he only knew Blane for a short period of time he had great respect for him. He acted more fatherly than Raymond ever did. He is grieving his loss. I can’t believe he appointed Lake as his successor. Lake wraps his arm around me pulling me closer. “When we reach the pack, I would like to take you on a run if you’re up to it” Lake says. “I would love that.” “Lake today was a lot and I’m proud of how you have handled yourself” my father says. “You have time to think about what to do with Blane’s pack.” “Bernard is very capable of overseeing everything until you decide how to proceed.” “Thank you, Archer.” Once we park the car, we walk down the path till we come to the clearing. He str!ps and I’ll never tire of looking at his beautiful body. He smiles catching me checking him out. He walks toward me and takes my face into his hands. “Gabriella, I’m so grateful to have you as my mate.”

He k!sses presses his l!ps to mine. I feel his love for me in this k!ss. He pulls back pressing his forehead to mine. “I know you felt my emotions today and I would have never gotten through all this craziness without you.” “You never have to worry about going through anything alone.” He pecks my l!ps before he steps back. He shifts and Razor is standing tall in front of me. His beautiful silver fur looks like silk. He lowers his head and I rub my hand down his muzzle. He lays down allowing me to climb up on his back. The tingles with Razor are just as amazing as they are Lake. I lay my body against his back and he takes off. The feeling of the wind rushing past us as he runs through the woods is freeing. Brutus has taken me on many runs but this is different. Knowing this wolf is my other half when I worried, I wouldn’t have one. Lake’s emotions seem to calm as we run. We run for another twenty minutes before he lays down on the bank near the lake.

I slide down landing on my feet. He shifts back but it’s still Razor eyes. “Hello my beautiful mate.” “Hello Razor” I say as he pulls me to him k!ssing me like he is consuming me. When he pulls back Lake’s piercing blue eyes are staring back at me. He grabs a pair of shorts from a nearby tree. I chuckle, all packs must hide clothes behind trees for him to know they would be there. He takes my hand and leads me over to a large rock. He sits pulling me onto his lap. “Lake, let’s talk about what happened today.”

Lake POV

together and I know in my heart that it’s what’s best for my pack members.” “It isn’t fair to expect this pack to lose a beloved Alpha and then have to uproot their lives because of these disgusting women.” “I agree Lake but the pack needs an Alpha and Bernard has made it clear he is not interested in assuming the role permanently.” “I understand that too because of his age and having no children.” “We could easily take

“Lake, this is your decision and I support whatever you decide to do.” I bury my head in her neck. “The goddess has truly blessed me and I can’t wait to make you mine in front of our new pack.” I pick up my head looking into her eyes. “I feel like you already have an idea” Gabriella says. I smile “I do but I want you to agree before I present it to your father and Elder Bradford.” After I tell Gabriella my idea, I can see she is torn. “Gabriella be honest with me, we are partners in this.” “I think its brilliant and even though I’ll be losing something it is absolutely the right thing to do.” “Let’s go talk to your dad and see if he agrees.” I slip the shorts off and shift. Once Gabriella has climbed on Razor’s back he takes off. “You know she is right Lake” Razor says. “You doing what’s right for the pack members instead of being a power hunger

Gabriella POV

even if there are bumps along the way. The door opens and Lake comes in. “I thought I wouldn’t see you until the ceremony.” “I have k!ssed you every morning since we found each other and today is no different.” He k!sses me “after you get ready, I have arranged to meet in our new office before the ceremony to discuss what will be happening with the Silver Moon Pack.” I smile, he insisted last night that we will share an office as we will both be performing Alpha duties. The door flies open and my mother is standing there with her hands on her h!ps. “Lake Solace get your b.utt out of here so I can

the mirror. I love myself and I wouldn’t change my body but sometimes I can’t wear what the other girls can with my curves. Today though I love everything about this dress and how I look in it. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and I have light make-up on. I turn to my family and my mother is in tears. Once they all hug me, they give me a minute alone. A few minutes later a knock sounds on the door and it opens to my father standing there. I can see the unshed tears in his eyes as he looks at me. “Dad” I say but he raises his hand to stop me. “I am so

Lake POV

before the door can shut. “You look amazing my love.” I place my face in the crook of her neck breathing in her scent. Archer clears his throat and the others in the room laugh. We take our seat and Archer nods to me. I stand facing Atticus, Monica, and Elder Bradford. I explain everything that happened yesterday and I can see anger on both of their faces. “We will avenge him Alpha” Atticus and

become the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon Pack.” The shock on their faces is comical. “Alpha” Atticus starts to say. “Atticus you were made for this position.” “I have seen your wolf, someone in your family line was an Alpha.” “You are loyal and you will protect that pack with your life.” “Besides our packs will be tied together forever now.” “They will be sister packs.” He smiles and looks to his mate. I see them link before he turns back to me. “We accept and we both appreciate your confidence in our ability to rule this pack.” He stands and we shake. The girls wrap each other in a hug. “You will always be my Alpha, Gabby” I hear Monica

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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