My Fated Human Luna Chapter 91

Tabitha POV

As I watch Gabriella take her place in our pack as Alpha, I think about how strong she is. I know many would think being a human makes her weak in our world but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. She had to work harder to prove herself than any wolf would ever have to do. Strength is not powers or how big your wolf is. I’ve watched this little girl turn into a capable determined woman who has been accepted by the wolves of this pack. She is so much like her mother and her father. I may have helped with my protection spell to keep her safe but her abilities are all her own. She has gotten wolves to follow her and treat her as a leader. That makes her amazing in my eyes. I hope this pack knows how fortunate they are to have her and Lake as their Alphas.

My coven never felt like home but this pack has always felt that way. I never fit in there even as a child I felt out of place. My parents despite being born a black magic witch and warlock chose a different path after I was born. I wish we would have left then maybe I would still have them. They never truly became light magic but somewhat gray.They are the only reason I am not a black magic witch right now. Johnathon takes my hand I’m sure feeling my emotions through our bond. I will never let anyone hurt my pack or family again. When they finally announce that Lake and Gabby are the Alpha’s of the Scarlett Rose pack I smile. I had this nagging feeling that one of those a**holes would try to ruin today. I’m glad I was wrong. “Tabby I’m going to go on the pack run.” “Of course,” I say and he k!sses me before he undresses and shifts. I love my beloved more every day and I thank the goddess that I was rejected by that a**hole wolf. Johnathon and this pack were always meant to be part of my life.

Megan POV

wolves? Most wolves don’t like our kind because of the power we wield. Alpha wolves want to hold all the power even though they are often pathetic. Just like Blane was more worried about laws instead of those, he should have had loyalty too. When Belinda and Esme turn toward me with smiles on their faces, I wave my hands starting to chant. I can see the wolf is linking with others, so we won’t have much time to take care of them before other wolves arrive. I throw the first energy ball and it dissipates right in front of the wolf. What the fvck just happened? I throw three more energy balls but none of them reach the wolves. “Esme we need to leave

Gabriella POV

around the stage and the pack members that are of shifting age are ready to run. They bare their necks and Razor takes off. As we run despite the fact that I’m not a wolf, I feel the intense connection to my pack. I bury my hands in Razor’s fur as I feel like we are flying. We are halfway through the run when Lake and I get a link from the patrol guard that we have three uninvited guests near the eastern border. We lead the pack back to the festivities before we head toward the eastern border ourselves. As we approach I see that b**ch Belinda. I don’t even wait for Razor to lay down and I jump off, landing on

for Lake.” We start to circle each other. “You think that just because I can’t shift you can actually beat me you pathetic human.” I laugh “I guess we are about to see.” She tries to take me off guard and throws a punch at my face. I dodge punching her in the ribs. She steps back in shock but I am far from done. I throw a punch, hitting her in the jaw and knocking her on her a**. She screams jumping

Lake POV

own brother and my friend. She shifts taking off and I’ll be damned before she gets away from me. She is going to pay with her life for what she did to Blane. I shift and Razor takes off. She ducks into nearby trees and we follow her inside. Razor sniffs but her smell is all around us. I move carefully, not knowing if that witch is still around or hiding. I turn my head to the left and I feel claws swipe my right side. Razor wh!ps his head in that direction but all she managed to do was to give up her position and piss us off. She starts to back up and we stalk forward. She immediately shifts into human form. I’m sure she thinks that this will protect her from my wolf. I partially shift so my claws remain extended and I can speak. “Lake, you have to understand she is my niece, I had to help her.” I laugh “are you really trying to plead with me that this was about family after you killed Alpha Blane, your brother.” I see fear flash across her face. “She is like a daughter to me Lake.” “I had to protect her.” I’m right in front of her now. “He was a friend to me and you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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