My Fated Human Luna Chapter 94

Nathan POV

I can’t believe that Atticus chose me to be his Beta. I have always respected him even before he became the Beta of our pack. He is a fierce warrior and very loyal. Despite Raymond’s fvcked up idea of what an Alpha should be Lake became the kind of Alpha that the pack could respect and follow. I was worried, to say the least, when he took his t!tle we would all be in hell. I know in my heart Atticus will be the same great leader that Lake has become. I meant what I said that I’m honored to become the Beta of the Silver Moon Pack. I reach the large cottage that the single warriors have been staying in since the packs have become one. I walk through the living room hoping that I won’t see Conrad. I have no idea how he is going to react to me being chosen and not him. He already hates that we are here. I start up the stairs “Nathan where the hell were you”, I hear from behind me. I stop and turn back to Conrad standing at the bottom of the stairs. It doesn’t make much sense to lie. I can’t keep this a secret and I don’t want to. I’m happy and if he is any kind of friend, he will be happy for me.

“I had a meeting with the Alphas and Atticus.” He looks at me confused. “If they needed trackers again, why didn’t they call for me too.” I walk back down the stairs, walking toward the kitchen, and he follows me. I grab a soda from the fridge before I turn back to face him. “Well, what the hell is going on” Conrad says with irritation in his voice. “It seems that Atticus and his mate will be taking over as Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon pack.” “Don’t even tell me that you will be taking his place as Beta of the Scarlett Rose.” I’m sure my face shows my disdain for his comment. “I didn’t mean you’re not a great warrior and tracker.” “I just meant that we both should have been given an opportunity to prove ourselves for the t!tle of Beta.” Now I am definitely pissed. I used to think of him as a friend, but a friend would be happy for me. “Actually, I won’t be Beta for this pack.” He smiles until I say my next words. “I will be the Beta of the Silver Moon Pack.” “Atticus chose me with Lake’s support.” I see the anger flash on his face and honestly, I’m over this conversation. “Thanks for the congratulations, Conrad, I see what kind of friend you are.” I turn and rush up the stairs to my room. I need to get ready for the ceremony and to move to my new pack.

Brian POV

if it doesn’t work, what if they hurt the girls?” “Brian if you were able to kill his pup without him killing you, you would never live with yourself.” “I know your heart and you are a good man who could not kill an innocent girl no matter the reason.” I know she’s right but how can I risk our pups. “Call Archer and arrange a meeting with him, Gabriella, and Lake today.” I take the phone from my pocket dialing Archer’s number. He picks up on the second ring. “Brian what’s up?” “Archer, I need to

Leslie’s words over and over in my mind. I would never hurt an innocent but I never expected our pups to be in danger. I have a block up so she isn’t plagued by my thoughts and decisions. She is right that doing it will eat me alive if I survive, but my pups are worth any misery I have to endure. I don’t want to take Archer’s pup from him. I don’t want to kill Gabriella, but I won’t let my pups die. Even if I get myself killed, at least Leslie will have the girls back. They are innocent and don’t deserve any of this. “Brian, why are you blocking your thoughts from me?” “I just don’t want you to have my worries on top of your own, that’s all honey.” I drive in the direction of the Silver Moon Pack. We reach the gate and the patrol guard approaches the SUV “state your business, Alpha.” “The Scarlett Rose Alphas are expecting us, Brian and Leslie.” He links, I’m sure to verify we are truly expected before he looks back to me. “Welcome to the Silver Moon Pack Alpha Brian and Luna Leslie.” “Thank you” I say

because I don’t want anyone else to know what’s happening. This is hard enough, I feel like a failure that I couldn’t stop them from taking the girls. We all take a seat and Gabriella smiles at us. “Alpha Brian, dad said that you called and something was wrong.” “What can we help you with?” I take a deep breath. I look at Leslie and she nods at me. “Jessica, with the help of a rogue, has taken our pups.” Lake and Archer growl. Despite Gabriella

have calmed himself and his wolf, he looks back to me. “We will help you get your pups back, I promise you that.” “This time that b**ch will die for her evilness.” I nod and Leslie takes my hand. “Thank you for helping us, we need our pups back” Leslie says as she fights back tears. My heart clenches in my chest to see my mate in such pain. A knock sounds on the door and Sabrina pokes her head inside. Leslie stands and Sabrina rushes over to her. “Leslie what’s wrong?” My mate bursts into tears and Gabriella goes to her. Sabrina looks around her at me. “We are going to take her to get ready for the ceremony and for a moment with the girls.” I nod and they leave the room. I’m destroyed by my mate’s suffering. “Brian” Archer says my name, bringing me back to the here and now. “Brian, this is not your fault.” “That’s easy for you to say your four pups are all safe.” “My girls are probably scared and my mate is breaking.” “Leslie is strong and so are you.” “We will get your pups back.” I nod but I can’t keep pretending to myself there is some way out of this other than giving them what they want. “I’m going to get some air before

Leslie POV

important than anything else right now” Gabriella says. I tell them about Jessica and Kenneth. Even Sabrina growls, which makes me chuckle. These women have become my friends and I know in my heart they will help us get the girls

concerned that he is still going to follow through on trying to kill Gabriella aren’t you” Tabby says. “I wish the answer was no but I think he is.” “I know he feels like he failed us even though he couldn’t have stopped this from happening.” “The only one responsible for this is those evil ba**ards.” “I want to watch the light leave that evil b**ch’s eyes. Tabby smiles “I think we can make that happen, but you might not like the

Sabrina says. I drop my head and that nagging feeling makes me think he is still thinking about it despite our conversation. “Leslie, desperation will make people do things they would never think about doing” Gabriella says. “That doesn’t make Brian any less of a great man.” “He blocked me, I don’t know what he is thinking.” “Your concerned that he is still going to follow through on trying to kill Gabriella aren’t you” Tabby says. “I wish the answer was no but I think he is.” “I know he feels like he failed us even though he couldn’t have stopped this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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