My Fated Human Luna Chapter 95

Gabriella POV

I’m so happy to see Monica standing with her mate taking on the Alpha and Luna roles in this pack. She has become one of my best friends despite our beginnings. I will miss having her around every day but this is how it was meant to be. I’m glad Lake knew what was best for this pack and is the type of Alpha to put them first. Atticus and Monica will be great leaders, which is what they need after the loss the pack suffered. Elder Bradford announces the pack run and I see the fear in Leslie’s eyes. I know this plan will work. I trust Tabby completely. I look at Tabby as Lake undresses so he can shift into Razor. She nods and I climb on Razor’s back. I lay with my chest against the soft fur. I love the way it feels against my skin every time we run. Phoenix and Marigold take off with the pack running behind them. We stay at the tail end of the pack members with Brian and Leslie’s wolves running by our side. I can feel the nerves in my stomach knowing what is about to happen. As we round the territory border the hair stands up on the back of my neck. Brian’s wolf starts to slow and sniff the air, so Razor follows suit.

Razor lays down and I slide off. Lake, Leslie, and Brian all shift. “What is happening?” “You and Leslie need to stay behind us.” “I smell rogues.” Lake says. Before he can say anymore, two rogue wolves break through the trees heading straight for Lake. “Protect Gabriella” he says before he shifts. They begin to fight and Leslie comes to stand next to me. I watch Brian frozen in place for a moment before he turns toward me. He takes five steps until he is standing in front of me and has partially shifted. “What are you doing Brian, why aren’t you helping Lake?” I look to see Lake dealing with the rogues and I look back at Brian, who has unshed tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry” he says pulling his arm back. I wait to feel the blow but it never comes. He falls to his knees in front of me. “I can’t, I can’t do it” he sobs. He looks up to Leslie, who smiles at him before she comes to stand in front of me.

Leslie POV

know how to feel if he truly goes through with killing Gabby. Even if it won’t be real, he doesn’t know that. My heart is in my throat as he stands partially shifted in front of her. When he falls to his knees pleading that he can’t harm her, I feel that panic melt away. I come to stand in

lottery. “As for you brother, that was pathetic.” He growls, “enough we need to get far from here”, Kenneth says. They both shift and they take off with us, following behind them. When we have run for what feels like a lifetime, they both stop. I breathe deeply trying to smell my pups, but I can’t scent them. I immediately shift. “Where are my pups you fvcking b**ch?” “We did what you asked, I want my girls now” I say moving toward her. Brian wraps his arms around me. She shifts and laughs. “Calm down Leslie, we don’t want your pups.” “They are on their way to the diner in the human city.” ” Honestly, I didn’t think either of you would go through with it.” “I just wish I could be there to watch that ba**ard cry over his dead mate’s body” she says. I can’t wait to watch this b**ch suffer for all she has done. I want a front row seat. We shift again, heading toward the human

Lake POV

and I felt no pain as the voice said. I bend down, placing my hand on her cheek. I know despite the way she looks, this is not my mate. “What the fvck is going on,” Razor growls in my mind. Tabby appears next to me. “We need to go back to the pack house now.” “Tell me what the hell is happening” I demand. “I promise you that Gabby is

Lake.” I pick up my head to look into my beautiful mate’s eyes. “You’re lucky Tabby warned me or I’d be losing my sh*t right now.” “I’m sorry we needed it to be believable.” “Brian has no idea that Leslie didn’t kill me” Gabriella says. “Can you tell me exactly what the hell just happened?” “It looked like you but obviously I know

Tabby POV

looks at me confused. “Archer’s father tried to kill Fern but ended up killing something that was made of sand to look like her.” “If you headed back out to the border where all this happened you would find nothing but sand now.” He smiles “you truly are amazing Tabitha.” “We are so lucky

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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